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The ZosPackageLibrary object represents a ChangeMan package staging library. This object can be obtained using the GetLibrary or GetLibraries methods of ZosPackage.

ZosPackageLibrary Properties

ZosPackageLibrary exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
Name String R Library type name
Path String R Full file system path name for the library
Description String R Library description
DataSetName String R Data set name for the library
TargetLibrary String R Target build library
LikeType ZosLikeType R Like library type option
StagingVersSaveOption ZosStagingVersSaveOption R Staging version save option
DeferredAllocation Boolean R Indicates whether allocations are deferred
DataSetType ZosDataSetType R Data set type (organization)
RecordFormat ZosRecordFormat R Record format
RecordLength Int16 R Record length
BlockSize Int16 R Block size
SpaceUnit ZosSpaceUnit R Space unit type
PrimarySpace Int32 R Primary space quantity
SecondarySpace Int32 R Secondary space quantity
DirectoryBlocks Int32 R Number of directory blocks
UnitName String R Unit name
Volume String R Volume serial number


ZosPackageLibrary Methods

ZosPackageLibrary exposes the following methods:

GetComponent Method

Gets a single component by name. For Unix libraries, componentName is the path name relative to the package library root.

ZosPackageComponentFile  GetComponent(  
        String componentName  

GetComponents Method

Gets an array of components that belong to a package library. The list can optionally be filtered by component name and component status. For Unix libraries, components are retrieved hierarchically. This function only returns components in the top level subdirectory, and the array returned contains both directory and file objects.

To retrieve components in lower level subdirectories, use the GetComponents method of the parent ZosPackageComponentDirectory object.

nameFilter - Name filter

statusFlags - Status filter flags

changeTime - get components changed after the specified time.



ZosPackageComponentObject[] GetComponents() 



ZosPackageComponentObject[]  GetComponents(  
        String nameFilter 



ZosPackageComponentObject[]  GetComponents(  
        DateTime changeTime 



ZosPackageComponentObject[]  GetComponents(  
        ZosComponentStatusFlags flags 


GetComponents(String, ZosComponentStatusFlags)

ZosPackageComponentObject[]  GetComponents(  
        String nameFilter,  
        ZosComponentStatusFlags flags 


GetComponents(String, ZosComponentStatusFlags, DateTime)

ZosPackageComponentObject[]  GetComponents(  
        String nameFilter,  
        ZosComponentStatusFlags flags,  
        DateTime changeTime  


Refresh Method

Refreshes the library information.

void  Refresh() 

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