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What’s New

Changes in 8.3

Windows Support

The following are the minimum versions of Windows supported:

  • Windows 10

  • Windows Server 2016

All wizards now have a Help hyper-link in the lower left corner of the window. Clicking on the Help link will display help for the current wizard page.

Display Language for Package Components

You can now display the component language as an optional column in package component lists. The component language also displays as part of the package component properties.

Preferred Packages for ERO Audit Auto-resolve

Release area audit now allows you to specify preferred packages to be used for new (to the release) components generated by the auto-resolve process.

Scheduled Demotion

You can now schedule the demotion of package components for a specified date and time.

Participating Packages Warning

When you add or remove participating packages, a message will display to warn you that the audit return code will be reset for all associated participating packages if you proceed with the operation. The warnings can be disabled by the ChangeMan administrator and will only be displayed for ChangeMan ZMF 8.3+ systems.

Query Component Customization

With ChangeMan ZMF 8.3+ you can use a new high level language exit, QCMP0100, to limit what search arguments a user is permitted to specify. This can be used prevent a huge volume of output due to the use of wild characters in search arguments.

Test Release Wizard

The Test Release wizard has two new auto-cleanup options when connected to ChangeMan ZMF 8.3+.

Changes in Previous Releases

Changes in 8.2.6

Microsoft Prerequisites

The following Microsoft prerequisite products are required, and will be installed automatically by the installer, if they are missing:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable (x86)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable (x64)

  • The .NET Framework will be downloaded from the Internet, if needed. All other prerequisites are fully embedded in the installer bundle.

Member Generations Tool

The new Member Generations tool displays a list of generations for a PDSE v2 member. You can use this tool to perform the following operations:

  • Edit a member generation

  • Compare two member generations

  • Copy a member generation to another location

  • Recover a previous member generation and make it the current generation

  • Permanently delete a member generation

Deleted Members Tool

The new Deleted Members tool displays a list of deleted PDSE v2 members. You can use this tool to perform the following operations:

  • Recover (undelete) a previously deleted member

  • Permanently delete a member (all generations)

Permanently Delete All Member Generations

New Delete Permanently command to permanently delete all generations of a PDSE member.

Reset a PDS to Empty

New Reset to Empty command, which will reset a partitioned data set directory to empty. This deletes all members in a library very quickly and efficiently.

Revert and Back Out Pages in Package Properties

The package properties have two new pages, which are displayed only for packages that have been previously reverted or backed out.

  • Revert: Information for each revert event.

  • Back out: Information for each back out event.

Revert and Back Out Pages in Release Properties

The release properties have two new pages, which are displayed only for releases that have been previously reverted or backed out.

  • Revert: Information for each revert event.

  • Back out: Information for each back out event.

Start or Stop the ZDD Network

New Start Network and Stop Network commands to start or stop the ZDD network service. This service provides all network communication to z/OS servers. Restarting the network can be used to reset all communications in the event that server connections become hung or to clear some other error situations.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • New StartNetwork method to start the ZDD network service.

  • New StopNetwork method to stop the ZDD network service.

Changes to ZosDataSet class:

  • Compress method renamed to CompressPds  New InitializePds method to reset a PDS to empty

COM Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • New StartNetwork method to start the ZDD network service.

  • New StopNetwork method to stop the ZDD network service.

Changes in 8.2.5

Hiding Servers and ChangeMan Instances

ZDD now allows a user to hide specific servers or ChangeMan instances. The "hidden" setting is user-specific and only applies to the current user. This is useful on a multiuser system where a user may only use a subset of the defined servers or ChangeMan instances.

Hidden servers and ChangeMan instances will not appear in the File Explorer or the ZDD user interface.

The Hide Servers dialog box displays all of the servers and ChangeMan instances in a tree view with check boxes to hide or show them. You can also hide or show servers and ChangeMan Instances using the programming/scripting interfaces.

Importing and Exporting User Settings

ZDD has two new popup menu commands when you right click on ZDD Network:

  • Export user settings

  • Import user settings

You can run these commands at any time to export your user settings to a file, or import your user settings from a file. You can also import and export user settings using the ZDD programming/scripting interfaces.

ZDD Network Properties: Network Page

The "Maximum upload size" setting has been removed.

ZDD Network Properties: Servers Page

New Hide and Show buttons allow you to hide or show selected servers. However, you may find it easier to use the “Hide servers” command, because you can see all of the servers and ChangeMan instances in one place.

ZDD Network Properties: Sync Page

You can now specify a mapped drive letter in the “User settings folder” field. If you specify a mapped drive letter, ZDD will prompt you to ask if you would like to convert the path name to UNC format. If you press the “Yes” button, ZDD will convert the path name to UNC format. Otherwise, ZDD will accept the path name as is.

Server Properties: ChangeMan Page

New Hide and Show buttons allow you to hide or show selected ChangeMan instances. However, you may find it easier to use the “Hide servers” command, because you can see all of the servers and ChangeMan instances in one place.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • MaxUploadSize property removed

  • New ExportUserSettings method  New ImportUserSettings method

Changes to ZosServer class:

  • New IsHidden property

Changes to ZosChangeManInstance class:

  • New IsHidden property

COM Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • MaxUploadSize property removed

  • New ExportUserSettings method

  • New ImportUserSettings method

Changes to ZosServer class:

  • New IsHidden property

Changes to ZosChangeManInstance class:

  • New IsHidden property

Changes in 8.2.4

Prerequisite Releases

The following are the minimum prerequisite releases required to run ChangeMan ZDD 8.2.4:

  • Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012.

  • ChangeMan ZMF 7.1

Installer Enhancements

  • Full support for repair.

  • Installer files are now digitally signed.

  • New options on the Settings page.

  • New command line arguments to specify settings on a silent install.

  • Improved user interface.

  • Running the installer again for the ZDD package that is currently installed will offer you a choice of performing an Uninstall of Repair operation.

Reverse Sorting

All of the list views in ChangeMan ZDD wizards and dialog boxes now support reverse sorting. When you click on a column header a second time, it reverses the order of the sort.

Release Integrity Wizard

New Release Integrity wizard to check a release or release area for out of sync conditions between the release meta-data and the contents of the release libraries.

Release Library Wizard

New Release Library wizard to display a list of release libraries for a release, release area, or application.

Synchronization of Settings between Machines

You can now synchronize settings and configuration between machines using shared settings folders. Both system-wide settings and user-specific settings can be shared.

This can be very useful when a user uses more than one machine, or when you want to maintain a standard configuration across many machines.

Per-User Product Configuration

On a multi-user Windows Server machine, you can install ChangeMan ZDD in a per-user configuration, where some users are allowed to use ZDD, while others are not. ChangeMan ZDD will only be visible and enabled for those users who are allowed access to the product.

Security for Multiuser Systems

ChangeMan ZDD has new security features, primarily for use on multiuser Windows Server machines, where you have many users logging onto a single machine.

A ChangeMan ZDD administrator to control a user’s access to various functionality in the product:

  • Which users can use the product

  • Which users can update system-wide configuration settings

  • Which users can access a server

  • Which users can access a ChangeMan instance

ZDD Network Properties: General Page

The General page of the ZDD Network properties displays some new information:

  • Version of the ZDD driver that is currently loaded. If you installed a new version of ChangeMan ZDD and have not yet rebooted your computer, this will be the old version.

  • The date and time when your computer was last booted.

ZDD Network Properties: Sync Page

The ZDD Network properties has a new Sync page. On the Sync page, you can define shared folders for synchronizing system settings and user settings between machines.

New Column for Package List

The package list now has a new column showing the package check in indicator, which indicates that the package has components checked into the release.

New Registry Repair Tool

There is a new tool to quickly repair any corrupted Windows registry keys that are required by ChangeMan ZDD.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • SystemSettingsFolder property: Folder for importing system settings

  • UserSettingsFolder property: Folder for storing user settings

COM Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • SystemSettingsFolder property: Folder for importing system settings  UserSettingsFolder property: Folder for storing user settings

Changes in 8.2.2

Microsoft Prerequisites

The following Microsoft prerequisite products are required, and will be installed automatically by the installer, if they are missing:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable (x86)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable (x64)

  • The .NET Framework will be downloaded from the Internet, if needed. All other prerequisites are fully embedded in the installer bundle.

Check Out Previous Baseline Versions Online

The Check Out wizard now allows you to check out previous baseline versions (e.g. -1) in online mode. Previously, the wizard forced to use batch mode, and the “Batch mode” check box was disabled so that the user could not uncheck it.

Data Set Folder Filters

Data set folders no longer allow wild characters in the high-level qualifier of a data set name filter. Wild characters in the high-level qualifier require searching every catalog on the system, and it causes significant performance degradation in the server.

TLS Client Certificate Support

When a server is configured to use TLS security via AT-TLS, ChangeMan ZDD now supports logging on using a client certificate, instead of a password. The client certificate must be imported into the Windows “Personal” certificate store on the user’s machine. There is a new “Use certificate” check box in the Logon dialog box.

The “Use certificate” check box is only present for servers configured to use TLS security. Logging on with a client certificate requires SerNet and ChangeMan ZMF version 8.2.2+.

High Level Language Exits

ChangeMan ZDD now supports High Level Language Exits for ERO Check In. The following high level language exit (HLLX) points have been added:

  • Release Check In: RCKI0000, RCKI0100, RCKI0102, RCKI0103, RCKI0107, RCKI0050, RCKI0150, RCKI0152, RCKI0153, RCKI0157

Changes in 8.2.1

Microsoft Prerequisites

The following Microsoft prerequisite products are required, and will be installed automatically by the installer, if they are missing:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64)

  • The .NET Framework will be downloaded from the internet, if needed. All other prerequisites are fully embedded in the installer bundle.

Concurrent Components Page in Check Out Wizard

The Check Out wizard has a new page to display a list of other packages containing the components to be checked out.

New Release Area Component Locks Wizard

ChangeMan ZDD has a new Release Area Component Locks wizard, which allows the user to query and delete area component locks.

Enhanced LIBTYPE Member of ZDDOPTS

The "listing" option now allows you to specify wild characters and to specify multiple listing library library types. Example: listing="LS* RPT"

Enhanced CHECKOUT Member of ZDDOPTS

You can now set limits on the number of components that can be checked out at one time. There is both a warning-only limit, and an absolute limit.

New Install Directory

The ChangeMan ZDD product is now installed in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD

New Windows Registry Keys

ChangeMan ZDD settings are now stored under a new Windows registry key.

  • Old key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Serena\Network
  • New key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD

For backward compatibility, the old registry key, will be replaced by a symbolic link to the new key. In other words the old key is simply an alias for the new key. Do not delete the old key, since this would actually be deleting the new key.

Installer Improvements

The ChangeMan ZDD installer has a redesigned user interface to provide an improved user experience.

End of Support for 32-bit Windows (x86)

ChangeMan ZDD is discontinuing support for 32-bit versions of Windows. You may continue to use ChangeMan ZDD with 32-bit applications. However, ChangeMan ZDD must be installed on a 64-bit Windows system.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosPackage class:

  • CancelScratch function to remove a component scratch request.
  • CancelRename function to remove a component rename request

Changes in 8.2

Network Renamed to "ZDD Network"

The network name has been changed from "Serena Network" to "ZDD Network". This network name is the name that appears on the ChangeMan ZDD's network icon in the File Explorer.

Support for Multi-factor Authentication

ChangeMan ZDD now supports Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) when connected to a SerNet 8.2+ server. All ChangeMan instances under that server must also be version 8.2 or higher.

ChangeMan Global Notification Messages

When a user first connects to a ChangeMan instance, if the ChangeMan global notification messages have changed since the user last viewed them, a dialog box pops up to display the updated messages.

The user can also view the global notifications using the "Global notifications" menu command or via the ChangeMan instance properties.

Participating Packages as Subfolders of Parent Super/Complex Package

Participating packages are now displayed as subfolders of the parent super/complex package. You can also still access participating packages as direct children of the “Packages” folder.

New Test Package Integrity Wizard

New Test Package Integrity wizard tests a package for component integrity errors. The wizard compares change package component meta-data and the physical contents of the staging libraries. This will detect out of sync meta-data with members.

New Freeze Package Wizard with Batch Mode

ChangeMan ZDD has a new Freeze Package wizard, which allows you to perform the Freeze operation in either the foreground or in batch mode. Previously, Freeze was implemented as a simple dialog box with no support for batch operations.

ChangeMan ZMF 8.2+ is required for batch mode operations.

The new Freeze Package wizard includes an Other Options page. The Other Options page requires a new FREEZE member of ZDDOPTS.

Batch Check Out

This Check Out wizard now has a “Batch mode” check box to perform a check out operation via a batch job. Previously, the “Job card” text box was disabled, and would only be enabled in situations where batch processing is absolutely required (like type other, or previous baseline version).

Check In with Rename

A “New name” field has been added to the Components page of the Check In wizard. Like ISPF, you can only specify a new name when checking in a single component. The “New name” field is disabled (grayed out) when multiple components are selected.

Check In From Remote DB2

The “Check in from DB2” command can now check in DB2 native SQL stored procedures from a DB2 subsystem running on a different LPAR. This is achieved by means of a new “DB2 location” identifier.

New Query Component Wizard

ChangeMan ZDD has a new Query Component wizard, which displays component history for components given search arguments provided by the user. This is very similar to the Query Component function in the ZMF ISPF client (option Q.C).

The Query Component wizard is only available with ChangeMan ZMF 8.2 or higher.

Improved Component History

The Component History dialog box has added several new columns in the list display to provide more useful details about the component.

New Attach/Detach Wizard

The new Attach/Detach wizard will attach and/or detach packages to/from a release. You can detach a package from one release and attach it to a different release in one step.

For detach operations, there is an option which allows you to automatically demote or retrieve any components for that package. ZMF will submit a batch job to perform the demote/retrieve operation asynchronously.

For attach operations, you can automatically adjust the package install dates so that it falls within the valid range of install dates for the release.

The wizard has a “Verify operation only” option, which verifies that operation can be performed, but does not actually perform the operation.

XmlServ Tool Displays Copybook Suffix

The XML Services Tool now displays the copybook suffix associated with each service in the XML service selection list. The suffix column is filled in for SerNet/ChangeMan 8.2+ servers only.


There is a new FREEZE member in the ZDDOPTS library. This member is used to define the Other Options page for the new Freeze Package wizard. If there is no CHECKIN member in ZDDOPTS, the Other Options page will not be displayed in the Freeze Package wizard.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosApplication class:

  • GetComponentHistory function has new arguments to filter results.

Changes in 8.1.4

Microsoft Prerequisites

The following Microsoft prerequisite products are required (same as 8.1.3), and will be installed automatically by the installer, if they are missing:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (all systems)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) (all systems)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64) (64-bit systems only)

The .NET Framework will be downloaded from the internet, if needed. All other prerequisites are fully embedded in the installer bundle.

8-Character TSO User ID Support

ChangeMan ZDD now supports 8-character TSO user IDs, which are introduced by z/OS 2.3.

Preliminary Support for PDSE v2

The following have been enhanced to support PDSE v2 and member generations:

  • The New Data Set dialog box allows you to create PDSE v2 data sets.

  • The New Data Sets page of the DataSets folder properties supports PDSE v2.

  • Data set properties now include PDSE v2 information.

  • Data set lists in the File Explorer have new columns to display the PDSE version number and maximum number of member generations.

DFSMS Data Set Encryption

The following have been enhanced to display DFSMS data set encryption information:

  • Data set properties now sho2w data set encryption status.

  • Data set lists in the File Explorer have a new column to display data set encryption status.

Server Properties Enhancement

Server properties have been enhanced to include the following information:

  • z/OS operating system version

  • Maximum number of PDSE v2 member generations allowed on system

XmlServ: XML Services Tool

XmlServ, the XML Services Tool, generates model XML Services requests, which the user can fill in and submit. You can also open and edit previously generated XML Services requests and submit them.

This XML Services Tool provides all of the functionality of the XMLSERV tool in in the ISPF interface of ChangeMan ZMF. With the Windows graphical user interface, we are able to provide a richer set of functionality, and an interface that easier to use than would be possible with ISPF technology.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosDataSet class:

  • New PdseVersion property

  • New MaxGens property

  • New Encrypted property

Changes to ZosDataSetInfo class:

  • New PdseVersion property

  • New MaxGens property

Changes to ZosDataSetProfile class:

  • Constructor has new arguments to support PDSE v2 member generations.

  • New PdseVersion property

  • New MaxGens property

Changes to ZosDataSetProfiles class:

  • Add function has new arguments to support PDSE v2 member generations.

COM Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosDataSetProfile class:

  • New PdseVersion property

  • New MaxGens property

Changes to ZosDataSetProfiles class:

  • Add function has new arguments to support PDSE v2 member generations.

Changes in 8.1.3

Microsoft Prerequisites

The following Microsoft prerequisite products are required, and will be installed automatically by the installer, if they are missing:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (all systems)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) (all systems)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64) (64-bit systems only)

The .NET Framework will be downloaded from the internet, if needed. All other prerequisites are fully embedded in the installer bundle.

Code Signing Certificate Changes

All ChangeMan ZDD 8.1.3 executable files are now signed with SHA256 digital certificates only. SHA1 digital certificates have been deprecated by Microsoft and are no longer being issued.

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 systems require Windows Update KB3033929 in order to support SHA256 certificates. All Windows operating systems beginning with Windows 8 have built-in support for SHA256 certificates.

Enhanced Logon Dialog Box

The Logon dialog box has a new “Save password” check box. If the box is checked, the dialog box will try to retrieve a previously saved password for the specified user ID, and will save the encrypted password upon completion of a successful connection.

The “User ID” field now has a dropdown list that allows you to quickly select from a list of recently used user ID’s. This is helpful when you switch back and forth between different user ID’s.

The Logon dialog box has a new “Process” field that displays the process name (program name) and process ID (address space ID) of the process that initiated the request to connect.

New Check In Wizard

The user interface for "Check In to Package" and "Check In from DB2" has been completely redesigned using a wizard interface. Both commands use the same wizard, but a different set of pages displayed when you check in from DB2.

The new Check In wizard includes an Other Options page. The Other Options page requires a new CHECKIN member of ZDDOPTS.

New Check Boxes for Display of Other Options

Several wizards have new check boxes used to display or hide the Other Options page.

These check boxes will be unchecked and disabled (grayed out) if there is no member in ZDDOPTS for that wizard, since we can’t properly display the user options without information from the ZDDOPTS member.

Build Wizard

The “Build settings” page of the Build wizard will have two new check boxes that can be used to display or suppress display of user options and variables:

  • “Display other options”: Displays UserOption* fields

  • “Display user variables”: Displays UserVariable* fields

These check boxes can be used to limit what is included on the “Other options” page of the build wizard. If neither box is checked, then the “Other options” page will not even be displayed.

Audit, Check Out, Promote, Demote Wizards

The Audit, Check Out, Promote, and Demote wizards have the following new check box:

  • “Display user variables”: Displays UserVariable* fields

    User variables are used for batch operations only. This check box is disabled for online operations, since the Other Options page is displayed for batch operations only.

Check In Wizard

The new wizard for Check In to Package has the following check box:

  • “Display other options”: Displays UserOption* fields

There is a ChangeMan ZMF administrative option, “Enable component user variables”, that can be set using ISPF option A.G.1 (part 5). If this administrative option is disabled, then the check box will be unchecked and disabled (grayed out).

Delete Source Components during Check Out from Package

The Check Out wizard now provides the ability to delete the source components when checking out components from one package into another. This is useful when moving components from one package to another.

When checking out from another package, the “Components” page of the “Check Out” wizard contains a new check box, “Delete components from source package”. The check box is not present when performing other types of check-out operations.

When this check box is checked, after the check-out operation is complete, the “Delete Components” dialog will display to confirm the components to be deleted.

Improved Package Filters

The filters for the “Packages” folder now allow filtering by package creation date, as well as install date. The following options are offered:

  • Install dates from a fixed date

  • Install dates from a specified number of months ago (months before current date)

  • Creation dates from a fixed date

  • Creation dates from a specified number of months ago (months before current date)

Improved Release Filters

The filters for the “Releases” folder now allow you to specify the starting install date in either of two ways:

  • Install dates from a fixed date

  • Install dates from a specified number of months ago (months before current date)

Build Wizard Support for Type OTH

The Build wizard now supports building components of types like “Other”. A customized set of wizard pages are used for type Other. The type Other wizard pages are much simpler, and do not include the fields that apply only to source components, like language, compile parameters, etc.

Submit JCL Notify Improvement

The Submit JCL dialog box now contains a "Add notify job step" check box. You can now control whether specific jobs have notify steps added, without the need to log off and log Changes in 8.1.3 back on again. The API functions to submit JCL have been likewise enhanced to include an argument for adding a notify step.

The configuration options for adding a notify step have been removed from the ZDD Network properties, and the Logon dialog box. You can now simply decide whether or not to add a notify step when you submit the job, and there is no need to log on again or change configuration options.

Named Profiles in ZDDOPTS Members

The profiles in several ZDDOPTS members can now be given names. The “name” attribute can be used by an HLL exit to select a specific profile.

There can be multiple profiles with the same name, in which case the first matching profile will be selected. A given profile can also have multiple names. If it has multiple names, it will match any of the names. The profile name is not case sensitive.

Named profiles can only be selected using an HLL exit. If you are not using HLL exits, do not specify a profile name.

The following ZDDOPTS members support named profiles:

  • PKGCREAT (used for both Package Create and Package Update)


There is a new CHECKIN member in the ZDDOPTS library. This member is used to define the Other Options page for the new Check In wizard. If there is no CHECKIN member in ZDDOPTS, the Other Options page will not be displayed in the Check In wizard.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosBuildType enumeration:

  • Value renamed: Normal | Build

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • Removed NotifyJobStep property (obsolete)

Changes to ZosServer class:

  • SubmitJcl function has new argument to add a notify job step to submitted JCL.

COM Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • Removed NotifyJobStep property (obsolete)

Changes to ZosServer class:

  • SubmitJcl function has new argument to add a notify job step to submitted JCL.

High Level Language Exits

The following high level language exit (HLLX) points have been added:

  • Build: BULD0009, BULD0109

  • Check In: BULD0002, BULD0102, BULD0103

  • Delete Component: BULD01DL


Changes in 8.1.2

New Installer

The ChangeMan ZDD installer is now packaged as a single executable file. The new installer will install any needed Microsoft prerequisites.

The installer displays a single dialog box for installing the entire chain of products, rather than separate install wizards, one for each product in the bundle. The installer also suppresses intermediate reboots, so that only one reboot is required at the end.

Microsoft Prerequisites

The following Microsoft prerequisite products are required, and will be installed automatically by the installer, if they are missing:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (all systems)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) Update 1 (all systems)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) Update 1 (64-bit systems only)

The .NET Framework will be downloaded from the internet, if needed. All other prerequisites are fully embedded in the installer bundle.

Code Signing Certificate Changes

All ChangeMan ZDD 8.1.2 executable files are now dual signed with both SHA1 and SHA256 digital certificates. SHA1 digital certificates have been deprecated by Microsoft and are no longer being issued.

Our SHA1 certificate expires on February 25, 2017. Any ChangeMan ZDD builds generated after that date will be signed with only an SHA256 certificate.

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 systems require Windows Update KB3033929 in order to support SHA256 certificates. All Windows operating systems beginning with Windows 8 have built-in support for SHA256 certificates.

All builds of ChangeMan ZDD released after February 25, 2017 will require SHA256 support.

Check Out Components from Another Package

You can now check out components from another package. If that package component contains a package description, the package description is copied to the target package. This functionality is only available with ChangeMan ZMF 8.1.2+ servers.

A new “Package” radio button has been added to the “Check out from” group box in the “Options” page of the “Check Out” wizard. This option is available only when connected to an ChangeMan ZMF 8.1.2+ instance. The option will be disabled (grayed out) for down level ZMF instances.

You can also invoke this functionality by dragging components (or a package library) from one package and dropping the components onto a different package. This will bring up the Check Out wizard with the appropriate fields already filled in.


With down level ZMF versions, dragging components from one package and dropping them on another package, performs a Check-In (i.e. Stage) operation, just as it has always done in the past.

New Package Wizard Improvements

The Participating Packages page, which is displayed when creating a complex/super package, has been redesigned. Instead of manually entering the package IDs, you can now select the packages from a dropdown list of eligible packages. The packages selected are displayed in a list, which includes the package title, status, and install date.

Package Properties Improvements

The Participating page, which is displayed for a complex/super package, has been redesigned. Instead of manually entering the package IDs, you can now select the packages from a dropdown list of eligible packages. The packages selected are displayed in a list, which includes the package title, status, and install date.

The Applications page, which is displayed for a participating package, now includes the complex/super package name, as well as a variety of other new fields.

Library Properties Improvements

The Library page of the package/baseline library properties, now display the following administrative settings:

  • Save staging versions

  • Check out component description

Promotion Scheduler

There is a new Promotion Scheduler, which allows you to change the scheduled date/ time for scheduled promotions. This is very similar to the Installation Scheduler for changing the installation schedule.

Customized Field Names

All of the fields listed below an now be customized via the ChangeMan ZMF administration panels (A.G.9). Those fields can be renamed by the ChangeMan Administrator to something that is meaningful in the customer environment. The new names will be used in ChangeMan ZDD user interface.

  • Work request

  • Department

  • Requestor name

  • Requestor phone

  • Release work request

  • Release department

Special Characters in Server / ChangeMan Names

You may now use special characters in server and ChangeMan instance names. Any characters can be used, except the following:

  • Sever names cannot contain: " \ / < > | : * ? ( ) space

  • ChangeMan names cannot contain: " \ / < > | : \* ? space

High Level Language Exits

The following high level language exit (HLLX) points have been added:

  • Audit: AUDT00UV, AUDY01UV

  • Build: BULD00UV, BULD01UV

  • Check Out: CKOT00UV, CKOT01UV

  • Promote / Demote: PRDM00UV, PRDM01UV

  • Component Delete: BULD0101

  • Scratch / Rename: SCRN0002, SCRN0102, SCRN0104

Changes in 8.1.1

IP Version 6

ChangeMan ZDD now supports IP v6 network communication.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

ChangeMan ZDD now supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption for secure communications with the server. This TLS setting for a server applies to all ChangeMan instances defined under that server.

If TLS security is enabled, AT-TLS on the z/OS server must also be configured to use TLS on all ports for the server, as well as all ChangeMan ports under the server. Likewise, if ATTLS on the z/OS server is configured to use TLS, the ChangeMan ZDD client must also be configured to use TLS.

Connection to the server will fail if this TLS setting does not match the AT-TLS configuration on the z/OS server.

If the z/OS server uses self-signed certificates, you will need to install the certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on your client machine. This is not required if the certificate was issued a Trusted Root Certification Authority recognized by Windows.

Impact Analysis and Bill of Materials

ChangeMan ZDD now supports the impact analysis function of ChangeMan ZMF. Two new commands have been added when you right click on a ChangeMan instance. Each of these commands launches a wizard:

  • Bill of materials

  • Impact analysis

Check In from DB2

New Check In From DB2 command that extracts a native-SQL stored procedure from the DB2 catalog and checks it into a ChangeMan package.

Component Description in Component Properties

Component description can now be displayed in the properties for components in the following locations:

  • Package component

  • Baseline component

  • Promotion component

  • Release area component

The component description can only changed for package components. The component description is read-only for components in the other locations.

ChangeMan ZDD now supports relink operations being initiated from an LCT component. Simply right click on the LCT and select Relink from the popup menu.

New "Other Options" Pages

"Other options" pages were added to the following wizards:

  • Check out (displayed for batch check out only)

There ie now a CHECKOUT member for the ChangeMan ZDDOPTS library. The new "Other options" page is displayed only when the ZDDOPTS member is present.

Help Text for "Other Options"

ChangeMan ZDD now allows the system administrator to define help text to be displayed for "Other options" pages of the various wizards. The help text is displayed in a tool tip when the mouse hovers over a user option field.

The following wizards now support help text on the user options page:

  • Audit

  • Build

  • Promote

  • Demote

  • Check out

  • New package

  • Package properties

ChangeMan ZDD now allows system administrators to define user option fields, for which the user selects a value from a drop down list.

The following wizards now support drop down lists on the user options page:

  • Audit

  • Build

  • Promote

  • Demote

  • Check out

  • New package

  • Package properties

Disabled Server Port

ChangeMan ZDD now allows a server to be defined with a disabled XCH port. If the XCH port is disabled, the DataSets, Unix, and Jobs folders will be hidden and inaccessible. This can be used if a customer wishes to restrict access to ChangeMan ZMF functionality only.

New ZDD Network Property Pages

In order to accommodate the addition of new settings, the ZDD Network properties have been reorganized, and there are now two new property pages (tabs):

  • Network page

  • Cache page

Setting for TCP/IP Keep Alive Time Interval

There is a new setting on the Network page of the ZDD Network properties that allows you to configure the TCP/IP keep alive time interval. TCP/IP keep alive packets are sent after this many minutes of inactivity to detect lost connections.

Setting for Maximum Upload Size

The maximum file size for an upload operation is now a configurable setting. The value is specified on the Network page of the ZDD Network properties.


Setting this value too high can exhaust virtual storage and cause S878 abends in the server.

Support for User-Specific Code Pages on Server

The ChangeMan ZDD now includes the user-configured server code page number as part of the logion request, in order to enable the new user-specific code pages (CCSID’s) introduced in SerNet/ZMF 8.1.1.

ChangeMan ZMF High Level Language Exits

ChangeMan ZDD has added support for ChangeMan ZMF high level language exits for the following functions:

  • Check out

  • Promote / Demote

  • Audit

  • Freeze

These exits allow the user interface to be customized from a single location for all

ChangeMan ZMF clients, including ISPF, ChangeMan ZDD, and ChangeMan Eclipse.

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages install the C/C++ runtime libraries. In previous releases, these runtime libraries were installed directly as part of the ChangeMan ZDD installer package.

However, due to changes in the way Microsoft packages the runtime libraries, they are now automatically downloaded and installed separately when you run setup.exe.

You can also download these from the Microsoft web site and install them in advance, if you wish. The version of these packages needed for ChangeMan ZDD 8.1.1 is as follows:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) Update 1 (all systems)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) Update 1 (64-bit systems only)

.NET Programming Interface Changes

New enumerations:

  • ZosImpactRelationship

  • ZosStagingVersionLocation

New classes:

  • ZosComponentStagingVersion

  • ZosQueryImpactResult

  • ZosTestReleaseResult

Changes to ZosApplication class:

  • GetComponentHistory function has new arguments for filtering results.

Changes to ZosBaselineLibrary class:

  • GetPdsComponents and GetUnixComponents functions have new argument for filtering by change time.

Changes to ZosBuildInfo class:

  • New Db2Version property.

  • New UserVariables property

Changes to ZosChangeManInstance class:

  • New QueryImpact function

Changes to ZosDataSet class:

  • GetMembers function has new argument for filtering by change time.

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • New TimeOut property

  • New KeepAlive property

  • New MaxUploadSize property Changes to ZosPackage class:

  • GetComponents function has new argument for filtering by change time.

  • Freeze function has new argument for user variables

Changes to ZosPackageComponentDirectory class:

  • GetComponents function has new argument for filtering by change time.

Changes to ZosPackageComponentFile class:

  • New Description property.

  • New GetStagingVersions function.

Changes to ZosPackageComponentDirectory class:

  • GetComponents function has new argument for filtering by change time.

Changes to ZosPackageLibrary class:

  • GetComponents function has new argument for filtering by change time.

Changes to ZosPromotionLibrary class:

  • GetComponents function has new argument for filtering by change time.

Changes to ZosRelease class:

  • New Test function.

Changes to ZosReleaseArea class:

  • New Test function.

  • GetComponents function has new argument for filtering by change time.

Changes to ZosServer class:

  • New Secure property.

Changes to ZosServers class:

  • Add function has new argument for enabling TLS security.

Changes to ZosUnixDirectory class:

  • GetObjects function has new argument for filtering by change time.

COM Programming Interface Changes

Changes to ZosNetwork class:

  • New TimeOut property

  • New KeepAlive property

  • New MaxUploadSize property

Changes to ZosServer class:

  • New Secure property.

Changes to ZosServers class:

  • Add function has new argument for enabling TLS security.

Changes in 8.1

Support for ChangeMan ZMF ERO

ChangeMan ZDD now supports the release management (ERO) feature of ChangeMan ZMF.

  • New directory structure to support ERO

  • Release properties

  • Release area properties

  • All release versions command (right click on release component)

  • Validate versions command (right click on package component)

  • Check out to package command (right click on release or package)

  • Check in to release command (right click on package component)

  • Check in to next area command (right click on release Changes component)

  • Promote / Demote commands (right click in package, release, or release area)

  • Build command now supports recompile from release area

  • Retrieve components command (right click on a release area)

  • Audit release area command (right click on release area)

  • Block area / Unblock area commands (right click on release area)

  • Block release / Unblock release commands (right click on release)

  • Search release command to search release components for text strings (right click on release)

  • Notify check in / Notify check off commands (right click on release area)

  • Release approvals command (right click on release)

  • Check in approvals / Check off approvals commands (right click on release area)

  • Reset approvals (right click on release area)

  • Revert release (right click on release)

  • Back out release command (right click on release)

  • Test area / Test release commands (right click on release , or release area)

Support ChangeMan ZMF High Level Language Exits

ChangeMan ZDD now supports ChangeMan ZMF 8.1 high level language exits. These exits allow the user interface to be customized from a single location for all ChangeMan ZMF clients, including ISPF, ChangeMan ZDD, and ChangeMan Eclipse.

Customized Field Names

ChangeMan ZDD now allows the Department and Work Request field names to customized via the ChangeMan ZMF administration panels. Those fields can be renamed by the ChangeMan Administrator to something that is meaningful in the customer environment. The new names will be used in ChangeMan ZDD user interface.

Library Type Restrictions: CMNEX035

ChangeMan ZDD now supports ChangeMan ZMF user exit CMNEX035. CMNEX035 can be used to restrict which library types are available for the following functions:

  • Stage

  • Check out

  • Scan (search for text)

  • Scratch / rename

Group Site Names: CMNEX039

The New package wizard and the Site tab of the package properties have been enhanced to display the group names instead of the individual site names when a site belongs to group defined by user exit CMNEX039.

Migrated Data Set ML1/ML2 Indicator

The ZDD user interface has been enhanced to take advantage of the new ML1/ML2 data set migration indicator. This enhancement is only available when connected to a SerNet 8.1 system.

The following changes were made to the ZDD user interface in the File Explorer:

For ML2 data sets the icon has a small gray X, and for ML1 data sets the icon has a small green X. For back level SerNet servers, the gray X is always used.

The data set type column displays as MIG1 or MIG2. For back level SerNet servers, the data set type displays as MIG.

The volume column displays as MIGRAT1 or MIGRAT2. For back level SerNet servers, the volume column displays as MIGRAT.

Display and Edit Component Descriptions

ChangeMan ZDD has been enhanced to provide the ability to display and edit the component description for a component in a package. A new Description page has been added to the properties for a component in a package.

Initially, if the package component has no description, the component description page is populated with the default description for the component from the application or global admin, if a description has been defined for the component there.

On the Description page, the user can edit the component description and then press the Apply button to save the changes.

Enhanced Security for ZDD Cache Folder

ChangeMan ZDD now protects the ZDD cache folder so that cache files can only be accessed via ChangeMan ZDD. This protection disallows inappropriate access to files outside of ChangeMan ZDD.

Unicode Support for ZDD Edit and ZDD Compare/ Merge

The ChangeMan ZDD text editor and the compare/merge tool now support Unicode (UTF-16), UTF-8, and DBCS files, and thus, they can now be used with Asian languages. The Save As dialog box has a new Encoding drop down list that allows you to override the default encoding when saving a file.

The ZDD text editor has a new navigation pane on the left side. The navigation pane allows you to easily navigate folders and choose files to edit. The navigation bar also allows you to delete files, rename files or folders, and to create folders.

Site Activity Report

There is a new Site activity command which will display the activity at each site for a package.

Build Type Column in Component Lists

Component lists have a new Build type column that indicates whether the component is a full build, a recompile, or a relink.

Reset Button for Package Filter Status Check Boxes

On the Filter page of the Packages folder properties, there is now a reset button to clear all of the package status check boxes at once.

New Tool to Cancel All Requests for a Server

ChangeMan ZDD has a new tool to cancel all requests for a server and disconnect. This is sometimes needed because a mainframe server that is not responding can cause the File Explorer or other program to hang if it is waiting on a response from that server. One situation that can cause this is an abend in the started task.

You can now cancel all server requests using any of the following methods:

  • Double clicking on ZosCancel.exe to run it.

  • Running ZosCancel.exe from the Windows Command prompt.

  • Select ZDD Cancel under ChangeMan ZDD on the Windows Start menu.

  • Right click on the ZDD Network icon on the desktop and select Cancel server requests from the popup menu.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

The .NET programming interface has been enhanced to support release management (ERO). Below is a summary of the changes.

New enumerations:

  • ZosAuditPackageOptions (formerly ZosAuditOptions)

  • ZosAuditReleaseAreaOptions

  • ZosPackageApprovalAction (formerly ZosApprovalAction)

  • ZosReleaseApprovalAction

  • ZosReleaseApprovalType

  • ZosReleaseAreaStatus

  • ZosReleaseAreaType

  • ZosReleaseStatus

New classes:

  • ZosCheckInStatus

  • ZosRelease

  • ZosReleaseApprover

  • ZosReleaseArea

  • ZosReleaseComponentDirectory

  • ZosReleaseComponentFile

  • ZosReleaseComponentObject

  • ZosReleaseLibrary

  • ZosRetrieveStatus

Changes to ZosChangeManInstance class:

  • New GetApplications function

  • New GetReleases function

Changes to ZosPackage class:

  • New Release property

  • New ReleaseCheckIn function

  • Changed CheckOut function

  • Changed Recompile function

  • New ReleasePromote function

  • New ReleaseDemote function

  • Changed Audit function

Changes in

Alternate Text Color When Past Package Install Date

In the File Explorer, the names of packages, package libraries, and package components now display as blue text when past the install date. Many menu commands are not available after the install date has passed.

The info tip text will also display a past install date warning when the mouse pointer hovers over a package or package component.

Support for RACF Password Phrases

ChangeMan ZDD now supports RACF password phrases, which can be up to 100 characters in length. Password phrase support requires SerNet/ZMF or higher.

There is a new "Allow password phrases" check box on the Connection page of the server properties, as well as the New Server dialog box.

Changing Passwords

There is a new “Change password” check box on the Logon dialog box. If that box is checked, you will be prompted for a new password. The "new password" field no longer appears in the Logon dialog box.

Support for Auto-mounted Unix Directories

ChangeMan ZDD now supports folders for Unix directories that are auto-mounted. When you open the ZDD folder, the directory will automatically be mounted.

Windows 8.1 Support

ChangeMan ZDD now supports Windows 8.1.

.NET Programming Interface Changes

The ZosPromotionArea enumeration has been replaced by ZosPromotionTarget enumeration.

Changes in

Installer Changes

The following changes have been made to the install process for the ChangeMan ZDD client.

The installer has been reduced to two files. The "setup.exe" file will automatically download any missing Microsoft prerequisite products from the internet and install them before launching the ChangeMan ZDD installer, ChangeManZDD_xxx.msi. Starting with Windows 7, the Windows operating system already includes all of the prerequisites.

All installers now install the .NET Framework 4.0, rather than version 4.5. The .NET

Framework 4.0 is already included as part of the operating system beginning in Windows 7. As such, the .NET Framework will only need to be installed on Windows versions before Windows 7. In any case, the .NET Framework will be installed only once, and not each time you install ChangeMan ZDD.

The Windows XP version of the installer can be installed on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 machines only. Use the standard version of the installer for all other operating systems. The standard build makes use of newer operating system facilities that are more efficient, but not backward compatible with Windows XP.

ZDDOPTS Permissions by Security Group

If the z/OS server is at the SerNet 7.1.3+ level, the administrator can now specify permissions in the COMMAND and PKGPROP members of ZDDOPTS by z/OS security group name rather than by user ID. If both user= and group= filters are specified in the ZDDOPTS profile, the profile will be selected if either filter matches. Both the user ID and group name filters may contain wild characters.

Support for ChangeMan Components Like Type OTH

The Check In and Check Out dialog boxes now support ChangeMan components that are like type OTH. The Check In dialog box now allows you to enter job card information. The job card field is enabled only for components like type OTH.

Multiple Notify Messages Combined Into a Single Message Box

Notify messages can now be combined so that several messages are displayed in a single message box. This eliminates the situation where a user performs an operation that results in many notify messages, and then has to repeatedly close each of the many message boxes.

On the Notify page of the ZDD Network properties, there is a new Delay field. This is the time delay, in seconds, before a message box is displayed. The time delay allows messages to accumulate so that several messages can be displayed in a single message box.

New Reset buttons on Notify page of ZDD Network Properties

There are now Reset buttons on the Notify page of the ZDD Network properties. These buttons allow you to restore some of the fields back to the default values.

User Options Displayed in Same Order as Defined in ZDDOPTS library

The user options in the Audit, Build, Promote, Demote, and New Package wizards are now displayed in the same sequence as they are defined in the corresponding member of the ZDDOPTS library.

File Locking Support

When connected to a SerNet/ZMF 7.1.3+ system, data sets, PDS members, and Unix files are enqueued during file save operations to ensure file is not being edited by an ISPF user.

COM and .NET Programming Interface Changes

The ZosNetwork class has a new a new NotifyDelay property. This is the time delay, in seconds, before a message box is displayed. The time delay allows messages to accumulate so that several messages can be displayed in a single message box.

Changes in 7.1.3

Installer Changes

The following changes have been made to the install process for the ChangeMan ZDD client.

  • There is now a separate installer for Windows XP (and Windows Server 2003) machines. Although it is possible to install the Windows XP build on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 machine, you will get better performance using the standard build. The standard build makes use of newer operating system facilities that are more efficient, but not backward compatible with Windows XP.

  • The standard installer will install the .NET Framework 4.5, whereas the Windows XP installer will install the .NET Framework 4.0. The .NET Framework will be installed only once, and not each time you install ChangeMan ZDD.

Support for Windows 8

ChangeMan ZDD now supports Windows 8 (and Windows Server 2012). Please note that the Windows XP version of the ChangeMan ZDD cannot be installed on a Windows 8 machine.

User Interface Support for z/OS Extended Attributes Volumes (EAV)

The ChangeMan ZDD user interface has been enhanced to support z/OS Extended Attribute Volumes (EAV). The support for extended attribute volumes requires SerNet/ ZMF 7.1.3 or higher.

  • New Data Set dialog box now allows you to specify extended attributes.

  • New Data Set dialog box now allows allocating large (SEQL) and extended format (SEQE) data set types.

  • There are new fields in the data set properties and new columns in the data set list to display extended attribute information.

Promotion Schedule Date and Time in Wizard

The Promotion dialog box now allows you schedule the promotion for a future date and time.

Start Menu Shortcuts Now Available from ZDD Network Popup Menu

The ChangeMan ZDD Start menu shortcuts are now available from the popup menu when you right click on the ZDD Network icon. This includes the shortcuts for ChangeMan ZDD help and books. This makes accessing the shortcuts easier on Windows 8, which no longer has the Windows Start button on the desktop.

New File Formats for ChangeMan ZMF Components

The ASCII Data and EBCDIC Data file formats are now allowed for ChangeMan ZMF components with fixed length records (RECFM=F). These file formats consist of fixed length records with no CR/LF line termination characters. File formats for ChangeMan components are defined on the File Formats tab of the ChangeMan properties, and are defined by library type.

.NET API Support for z/OS Extended Attributes Volumes (EAV)

The ChangeMan ZDD .NET programming interface has been enhanced to support z/OS Extended Attribute Volumes (EAV). The support for extended attribute volumes requires SerNet/ZMF 7.1.3 or higher.

  • New ZosDataSetEAttr enumerated type for specifying extended attributes.

  • New ZosDataSetType enumeration values: SeqL (large data set) and SeqE (extended format data set).

  • New ZosDataSetInfo class property: ExtendedAttributes

  • New ZosDataSetProfile class property: ExtendedAttributes

  • New ZosDataSet class properties: DataSetType, UsedPercent, ExtendedAttributes, JobName, StepName

Server Time Zone Information in .NET API

Server time zone information is available via new properties:

  • New ZosServer class properties: UtcOffset, Today

  • New ZosChangeManInstance properties: UtcOffset, Today

Security Group Names in .NET API

You con now obtain the list of z/OS security groups to which the user ID belongs. This feature requires SerNet 7.1.3.+.

  • New ZosServer class property: Groups

Promotion Schedule Date and Time in .NET API

The Promote function of the ZosPackage class now allows you schedule the promotion for a future date and time.

Path Name Support for Multiple Connections to Server

ChangeMan ZDD has been enhanced to allow multiple connections to a single server so that the same server can be logged onto more than one user ID at a time from the same Windows session. The path name syntax has been enhanced to allow you to specify alternate connections, with connection ID's numbered 1 - 255.

An alternate connection is specified by appending the connection ID to the server name, separated by a colon (“:”). It can also be specified by appending the connection ID enclosed in parentheses. The default connection ID is 0, and does not need to be specified.

  • \\MyServer:3\...

  • \\MyServer(3)\...

The File Explorer graphical user interface only displays the default connection (connection ID 0). Alternate connections are only available using path names or the .NET programming interface.

.NET API Support for Multiple Connections to Server

The .NET programming interface has been enhanced to allow multiple connections to a single server so that the same server can be logged onto more than one user ID at a time from the same Windows session. This is often a requirement in a server application.

  • New ZosConnectionLock class that can be used to reserve a connection ID, and lock the connection ID so that it will not be used by other programs or threads. The default connection ID, 0, will never be locked.

  • The Servers property of ZosNetwork and the indexed property of ZosServers have been enhanced to allow retrieving a ZosServer object with an alternate connection ID:

  • New ZosServer property: Connection

  • New NewConnection of ZosServer class that allows you to create a new server object from an existing server object, but with a different connection ID:

Changes in

New Binary File Format For Data Sets

There is a new Binary file format that can be specified for record format V (RECFM=VB) data sets. This file format can be specified in the File Formats tab in the properties for the DataSets folder or a ChangeMan folder. The Binary file format uploads and downloads data sets as is, with no character translation, no line terminators (CR/LF), and no space padding.

New Network Time Out Setting

There is a new setting that allows you specify the time limit, in minutes, to wait for a network request to complete. After this time the request will be automatically canceled with a time out error. This new setting can be found on the General tab of the ZDD Network properties.

Port Type Identified

On all property pages and dialog boxes used to configure servers and ChangeMan instances, the type of port number (XCH or CMN) required is now clearly identified in field label.

Changes in

New Promotion History Commands

There are new Package Promotion History and Component Promotion History commands that allow you to display the promotion history for a package or for some package components. The promotion history can be filtered by promotion site, promotion level, or component type. You can, optionally, display promotion history for only selected components. You can sort the list on any column by clicking on the column headers. The column order can be rearranged by dragging the column header to the desired location.

New View Listings Command

There is a new View Listings command that allows you to browse the listing for a ChangeMan ZMF source or load component in baseline or in a package. The administrator can customize which listing library type is associated with a source library type using the LIBTYPE member of the ZDDOPTS library for the ChangeMan ZMF instance.

New Listings Page (Tab) on Network Properties

There is a new Listings page on the ZDD Network properties that allows you to customize which viewer program is used to view listings. This viewer program will be used when you view listings for JES Jobs or when you choose ZDD Network | View Listing from a popup menu. If you do not specify a viewer, Notepad (Windows utility) is the default.

JES File Name Extension Changed

The file name extension for JES files under the Jobs folder has been changed from .txt to .list. This allows you to customize the viewer program for viewing listings separately from the standard program used to open plain text files. The Listings page in the ZDD Network properties to configure the listings viewer.

Editing XML from Submit XML Dialog Box

The File Explorer Submit XML dialog box now has a text box containing the XML text. Simple changes can be made to the XML inside the text box before submitting the XML request to ChangeMan ZMF.

Also new are Save and Save As buttons that allow those changes to be saved. The Save button is disabled (grayed out) if the file is read-only. You can still use the Save As button to save the XML elsewhere.

There is now an option to automatically view or edit the XML results.

Submitting XML From ChangeMan Edit

You can now submit XML from inside the ChangeMan ZDD text editor. The File menu includes a new Submit XML command. The Submit XML command is disabled (grayed out) unless the first line of the file begins with “<?xml”. You will be prompted to select the z/OS server and ChangeMan ZMF instance.

The results of the XML request are then displayed inside the text editor.

.NET Programming Interface Enhancements

There have been miscellaneous enhancements to the .NET programming interface, including the following:

  • You can now list component history.

  • You can now list package and component promotion history.

  • You can now access the package user variables as package properties.

  • You can now list packages across applications.

New classes:

  • ZosComponentHistory – ChangeMan component history record

  • ZosComponentPromotionHistory – ChangeMan component promotion history record

  • ZosPackagePromotionHistory – ChangeMan package promotion history record

  • ZosPromotionOverlay – ChangeMan component promotion overlay information

New enumerations:

  • ZosComponentHistoryStatus – ChangeMan component history status flags

  • ZosComponentHistoryType – ChangeMan component history type

  • ZosComponentPromotionStatus – Component promotion history status flags

  • ZosPackagePromotionAction – Package promotion history action flags

  • ZosPackagePromotionStatus – Package promotion history status flags

  • ZosPromotionArea – ChangeMan propmotion area

  • ZosPromotionOverlayStatus – ChangeMan promotion overlay status

New ZosChangeManInstance methods:

  • GetPackages – Gets an array of packages that match search arguments

New ZosApplication methods:

  • GetSiteNames – Gets an array containing the site names defined for an application

  • GetPromotionSite – Gets a single promotion site by name

  • GetPromotionSites – Gets an array containing the promotion sites for the application

  • GetPromotionLevel – Gets a promotion level, given the site name and promotion name or level number

  • GetComponentHistory – Gets a list of component history records for a given component

New ZosPackage properties:

  • UserVariables – Allows getting or setting multiple user variables as an array

New ZosPackage methods:

  • GetUserVariable – Gets value of a named user variable

  • SetUserVariable – Sets value of a named user variable

  • GetPackagePromotionHistory – Gets a list of package promotion history records for the package

  • GetComponentPromotionHistory – Gets a list of component promotion history records for the package

  • CheckPromotionOverlay – Gets a list of components that would be overwritten by a promote operation

New ZosServer methods:

  • SubmitXml – Submit XML request to server (for SerNet XML services only)

Changes in 7.1.2

Search for Strings

New Search facility that allows you to search data sets, Unix directories, or ChangeMan ZMF libraries for character strings. This is much faster than using Windows Search or your text editor to search z/OS libraries. Searching Unix directories, however, requires SerNet 7.1.2+. You can still search data sets with earlier SerNet versions.

The search dialog box will display each line of text that matches the search arguments. You can double click on any line of the search results and the file will be displayed in the text editor, automatically positioned to the selected line.

Text Editor Enhancements

Many new keyboard and mouse shortcuts have been added for performing common editing operations and making the editor easier to use. Many keyboard functions can be configured by the user.

New configuration option to allow the cursor to move beyond the end of line.

New reference card for the keyboard and mouse shortcuts.

File Formats Based on ChangeMan ZMF Library Type

You can now set the local file formats used for ChangeMan ZMF components, based on ChangeMan ZMF component type, irrespective of the underlying data set name or file name. The file format mappings for ZMF components are a property of the ChangeMan instance.

Some Server Properties Moved to "DataSets" or "Unix" Root Folder

Certain properties that were previously server properties have been moved down one level, to the root folders beneath the server. Properties that apply only DataSets, Unix, and ChangeMan instances have been moved down to their respective root folder.

The new or moved top level folder property pages (tabs) are listed below.

ChangeMan instance folder:

  • File Formats (new)

DataSets folder:

  • File Formats (formerly Data Set Formats on server)

  • File Extensions (formerly on server)

  • Library Types (formerly on server)

  • New Data Sets (formerly on server) Unix folder:

  • File Formats (formerly Unix File Formats on server)

Member Name Filters for Data Set Folders

You can define member name filters that limit which members are displayed in member lists for partitioned data sets. The member name filters are defined as properties of the data set folder, and the filters apply to all libraries in the data set folder.

Since a library can appear in more than one data set folder, it is possible to have different views of the same library, each with a different set of filters.

The member name filters can be defined as properties any of the following folders:

  • User-defined data set folders

  • Baseline folder

  • Packages folder

  • Promotion folder

All Promotion Libraries Now Displayed

Previously only the shadow promotion libraries were accessible through ChangeMan ZDD. ChangeMan ZDD now displays the libraries for all four promotion areas under the following folder names: .Shadow, Area1, Area2, and Area3.

Inaccessible ChangeMan Applications Hidden

The File Explorer will no longer display applications to which the user has no access. This eliminates the need to explicitly define filters to hide them.

Programming/Scripting Interface Support for File Format Enhancement

The programming/scripting interfaces have been updated to support the file format mapping enhancements. This can be used for scripting ZDD configuration setup. The sample configuration scripts have been updated to illustrate the defining and listing of file formats for ChangeMan instances.

For the COM programming interface:

  • ZosDataType and ZosTypes classes replaced by ZosFileFormat and ZosFileFormats classes.

  • ZosFileFormat and ZosFileFormats classes are more flexible and can be used for data sets, Unix files, and ChangeMan components.

    For the .NET programming interface:

  • ZosDataSetFormatMapping(s) and ZosUnixFileFormatMapping(s) classes replaced by combined ZosFileFormatMapping(s) classes.

  • ZosFileFormatMapping and ZosFileFormatMappings classes are more flexible and can be used for data sets, Unix files, and ChangeMan components.

COM Program ID Change

The COM program ID used to access ChangeMan ZDD has changed to ZosCom.ZosNetwork. For backward compatibility, the old program ID of ZosShell.Network will still work. However, ZosShell.ZosNetwork has been deprecated, and you should begin using ZosCom.ZosNetwork instead.

Visual Basic or VBScript:

Dim objNetwork
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("ZosCom.ZosNetwork")


var objNetwork;
objNetwork = new ActiveXObject("ZosCom.ZosNetwork");

COM Class Names Consistent With .NET Class Names

A number of class names in ZDD's COM programming interface have been renamed so that they are now consistent with the .NET programming interface. This has been a source of confusion in the past.

These class names are primarily used to describe the ZDD COM interface in the documentation.

This has no impact on customer scripts or Visual Basic because these names are not used in scripting languages. The names would only need to be changed if you write a C++ program to invoke the COM interface.

The following class names have been renamed:

  • ZosChangeManFolderZosChangeManInstance

  • ZosChangeManFoldersZosChangeManInstance

  • ZosFileExtensionZosFileExtensionMapping

  • ZosFileExtensionsZosFileExtensionMappings

  • ZosDataTypeZosFileFormatMapping

  • ZosDataTypesZosFileFormatMappings

  • ZosFiltersZosNameFilters

  • ZosLibTypeZosLibypeMapping

  • ZosLibTypesZosLibTypeMappings

  • ZosPrefixZosPrefixMapping

  • ZosPrefixesZosPrefixMappings

In the event that someone is actually using C++ to invoke the COM interface, then they can either change the names above, or simply add the following definitions to the program:

#define ZosChangeManFolder ZosChangeManInstance
#define ZosChangeManFolders ZosChangeManInstance
#define ZosFileExtension ZosFileExtensionMapping
#define ZosFileExtensions ZosFileExtensionMappings
#define ZosDataType ZosFileFormatMapping
#define ZosDataTypes ZosFileFormatMappings
#define ZosFilters ZosNameFilters
#define ZosLibType ZosLibypeMapping
#define ZosLibTypes ZosLibTypeMappings
#define ZosPrefix ZosPrefixMapping
#define ZosPrefixes ZosPrefixMappings

Changes in 7.1.1

User Options in the Package Properties

You can now view or set package user options for existing packages, via the package properties.

Package properties now include a new User Options page. This page is identical to the User Options page in the New Package wizard. The user options are defined in the PKGCREAT member of ZDDOPTS, just as they are for the New Package wizard. If the package contains user options that are not defined in the PKGCREAT member, those user options are read-only.

To control access to these new properties, you can now specify UserOptions as one of the field names in the PKGPROP member of the ZDDOPTS library.

Binary Transfer Support

There is a new Binary CRLF data set format for data sets that contain binary data. This new format is available for SerNet 7.1.1+ servers only, and can be specified on the Data Set Formats page of the server properties.

The new Binary CRLF format is only appropriate for RECFM=V data sets and not RECFM=F data sets.

For ZMF components, the file format is determined by the data set name of the underlying data set in which the components reside. In other words, this is the data set name of the baseline library, package staging library, or promotion library.

When checking in ZMF components, there is a new “file format” drop-down list that can override the file format defined in the server properties. The drop-down list will default to that format defined for the staging library data set name.

Data set names in the server properties can be specified using wild characters, for example “HLQ.ZMF.*.*.BIN”.

Browse for Open JES Spool Files

You can now browse open SYSOUT files, and monitor job output as it is being written, without even waiting for the job step to end.

However, in order to see new lines in a file that is actively being written, you need to close the file and reopen it in your text editor or viewer, in order to refresh the contents.

Support for browsing open JES spool data sets requires the following software levels:

  • SerNet 7.1.1+ (for version 7)

  • SerNet 6.1.3+ (for version 6)

  • ChangeMan ZDD 7.1.1+ (will not work with older clients)

When connected to down level servers (not 7.1.1+ or 6.1.3+), open SYSOUT files will not be present in the file list.

Access to JES Job JCL Stream

You can browse the JES input JCL stream used to submit a job. This is similar to what is provided by the SJ command in SDSF. This allows you to edit the JCL for a job and resubmit it.

You will see the following differences in the JES file list for a job:

  • The composite file containing all of the job SYSOUT in a single file has been renamed from “!.txt” to “.SYSOUT.list.

  • There is a new file,”.JCL.cntl” that contains the JCL input stream for the job.

Access to the JCL stream requires the following software levels:

  • SerNet 7.1.1+ (for version 7)

  • SerNet 6.1.3+ (for version 6)

  • ChangeMan ZDD 7.1.1+ (will not work with older clients)

When connected to down level servers (not 7.1.1+ or 6.1.3+), the JCL stream file will be not present in the file list.

Editing JCL from Submit JCL Dialog Box

The File Explorer Submit JCL dialog box now has a text box containing the JCL text.

Simple changes can be made to the JCL inside the text box before submitting the job.

There are also Save and Save As buttons that allow those changes to be saved. The Save button is disabled (grayed out) if the file is read-only, such as when submitting JCL directly from the JES spool JCL input stream (i.e. “.JCL.cntl”). You can still use the Save As button to save the JCL elsewhere.

Submitting JCL From ChangeMan Edit

You can now submit JCL from inside the ChangeMan ZDD text editor. The File menu includes a “Submit JCL” command. The “Submit JCL” command is disabled (grayed out) unless the first line of the file begins with “//”. You will be prompted to select the z/OS server.

Range of Lines in JES download

You can download JES spool files to a Windows folder using the Download to Windows Folder command.

This command allows you to selectively download portions of a JES spool file. Normal drag and drop operations only allow an entire SYSOUT file to be downloaded. For large listings, this can take a very long time.

Frequently, you want to download only a particular range of lines and not the entire file. Example use cases are a SYSUDUMP file that contains multiple dumps or a large SERRPRINT trace where you want only the output for a certain time range.

You may specify a range of lines when downloading spool files. The starting and ending lines can be specified either using line numbers or using character search string such as “END OF DUMP”. You can even use a combination of line numbers and search strings. Character search strings are available only on SerNet 7.1.1+ servers.

Concurrent History During Check In/Out

There is a new History button on the Check In and Check Out dialog boxes. This History button allows you to display a list of other packages that contain the selected components. Only packages that have not been baselined are included in this list.

Changes in 7.1

z/OS Unix File Support

ChangeMan ZDD provides support for USS (Unix System Services) based files. On the mainframe server, these files use the zFS file system.

Support is provided for both native (non-ZMF) Unix files and ChangeMan ZMF Unix components.

Support for Additional ChangeMan ZMF Functions

There are several new dialog boxes and menu commands for accessing ChangeMan ZMF functionality. Following are some of the ChangeMan ZMF features that are now available with ChangeMan ZDD:

  • Package approval functions

  • Resubmit install JCL build request

  • Back out package

  • Display and change packages in limbo

  • Display and change the installation schedule for the ChangeMan scheduler

  • Memo-delete a package

  • Restore a memo-deleted package

Enhanced ChangeMan Tools

The ChangeMan Edit and ChangeMan Compare tools, which are included with ChangeMan ZDD, have been enhanced to support path names that exceed 259 characters in length (if you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7).

The ChangeMan Edit tool has been enhanced to allow a value to be inserted in specified columns whenever you update or add a line in the file you are editing. For example, you may specify a change request number to be automatically inserted in columns 73-80 whenever you update or add a line. This feature is available on the Advanced tab of the Template Manager.

.NET Programming Interface

New classes and methods have been added to support Unix files and ChangeMan ZMF Unix components.

Refer to the new ChangeMan ZDD 7.1 .NET Programming Interface Guide for information on how to use the .NET interface.

Support for Windows 7

ChangeMan ZDD 7.1 is compatible with Windows 7.

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