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Data sets, jobs, and Unix files appear as folders and files in Windows® Explorer. After adding a z/OS server for ChangeMan ZDD as described in Servers Page, three root folders were automatically set up: DataSets, Jobs, and Unix. To view this structure, navigate to a server node in File Explorer.

In this example, Server1 is the name of the z/OS server, followed by the root folders: DataSets, Jobs, and Unix. U710DP represents a ChangeMan ZMF instance. The root folder names are fixed and cannot be changed by the user.

Folders must be set up under the root folders to access z/OS files. Folders may contain other folders, as well as individual data sets, jobs, or Unix files and directories. Folder names can be up to 256 characters in length, with the following restrictions:

  • Data set and job folders can contain any characters allowed in Windows file names, except for period.

  • Unix folders can contain any characters allowed in Windows file names, but the folder names must begin with an exclamation point (“!”) so that ChangeMan ZDD can distinguish them from real Unix directory names.


Filters are associated with user-defined folders under DataSets and Jobs to define which data sets or jobs can be contained in the folders. The root folders do not have filters associated with them.

User-defined folders under the Unix root folder point to a Unix directory on the server, which serves as the root directory for the folder. Unix directories, files, and links may be created under a user-defined folder.

Refer to Directory Structure for more information on folder structure.

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