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The ZosBuildInfo object represents a set of build properties that can be used to build, recompile, or relink a component in a package.

An empty ZosBuildInfo object can be created using the default constructor. You can then set the desired ZosBuildInfo properties before using it to build a component.

You can clone the build information from designated compile procedures or component history using alternate forms of the constructor. This cloned ZosBuildInfo object can be used to build components after making any desired changes to its properties.

ZosBuildInfo is used as input to the Build, Recompile, and Relink methods of ZosPackage.

ZosBuildInfo Constructor

The default constructor can be used to create a new ZosBuildInfo object. Because the constructor has no arguments, you must initialize the object by setting its properties. The other constructor copies the properties from an existing component based upon designated compile procedures or history.


The default constructor can be used to create a new ZosBuildInfo object. Because the constructor has no arguments, you must initialize the object by setting its properties.


ZosBuildInfo( ZosPackageComponentFile )

This constructor copies the properties from an existing component

        ZosPackageComponentFile component 

ZosBuildInfo(ZosPackage, String, String)

This constructor copies the properties from an existing component based upon designated compile procedures or history.

        ZosPackage package, 
        String componentName, 
        String componentType

ZosBuildInfo Properties

ZosBuildInfo exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
Language String R/W Component language.
BuildProc String R/W Build procedure name.
CompileParm String R/W Compile parameters.
LinkParm String R/W Link parameters.
UseHistory Boolean R/W Indicates that history should override options specified here.
Db2Precompile Boolean R/W DB2 pre-compile indicator.
Db2Subsystem String R/W DB2 subsystem name.
Db2LinkLib String R/W DB2 link library data set name.
Db2Version String R/W DB2 version ID.
UserOptions ZosNameValue[] R/W User options. Each user option is a name/value pair. See table below.
UserVariables ZosNameValue[] R/W User variables. Each user variable is a name/value pair. See table below.



User options are a set of name/value pairs. Each name must be one of the names in the following table:

Variable Name Value Length
UserOption01 - UserOption20 1
UserOption0101 - UserOption0105 1
UserOption0201 - UserOption0203 2
UserOption0301 - UserOption0303 3
UserOption0401 - UserOption0403 4
UserOption0801 - UserOption0805 8
UserOption1001 - UserOption1002 10
UserOption1601 - UserOption1602 16
UserOption3401 - UserOption3402 34
UserOption4401 - UserOption4402 44
UserOption6401 - UserOption6405 64
UserOption7201 - UserOption7205 72



User variables are a set of name/value pairs. Each name must be one of the names in the following table:

Variable Name Value Length
UserVariable01 - UserVariable05 8
UserVariable06 - UserVariable10 72


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