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Approving or Rejecting a Package

The Package Approval functions allow you to:

  • Approve a package

  • Reject a package

  • Mark a package as pending review

  • Add check-off comments

Running Package Approvals

Right-click an application folder, a "Packages" folder, or a package in an eligible state and choose ZDD NetworkApprovals from the popup menu.

The Package Approval dialog box displays.

The Package field is enabled if you clicked on an application folder or a "Packages" folder. Select a package from the drop-down list.

Select an entry from the list of user roles. The buttons will be enabled or disabled depending on what functions are allowed for that role. The following table describes the functions:

Function Description
Approve Submits an "approve update" request. When all approvers have approved the package, the package status changes to "Approved".
Reject Displays the Reject Package dialog box for entering reject reasons. When you click OK, a "reject update" request is submitted and the package status changes to "Rejected".
Review Submits a "review update" request and changes the status to "Review".
Check off Displays the Check Off List dialog box for entering comments. When you click OK, a "check off update" request is submitted and the status changes to "Check Off".
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