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SER6000 - 6700


Client driver to SerNet started task. This is the client piece that drives the proper communication to the SerNet started task from an MVS address space such as a TSO/ISPF user or batch job regardless of originating machine.

SER6001E Already connected, to {host} please disconnect first

Explanation: Sernet Batch Client error. The Sernet batch client must connect before attempting communication. In this case, a connection had already been established. In order to connect again, a disconnect must precede.

Solution: Code a disconnect call before attempting a connect. If you can't solve the problem, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6002E Must Connect before attempting {communication}

Explanation: Sernet Batch Client error. The Sernet batch client must connect before attempting communication.

Solution: Code a connect call before attempting communication. If you can't solve the problem, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6003W Connect method request {request} must be T, X or L. Default is T.

Explanation: Sernet Batch Client error. The Sernet batch client must request a connection method that is T, X or L. A blank implies a choice of methods. The meanings of these codes are T - TCP/IP, X - Cross Memory, L - Local Call. Our preferred choice is T for TCP/IP.

Solution: Code a valid method on the connect call or simply leave this parameter blank.

SER6004E The SER#PARM dataset is required for TCP/IP connection

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Code a DDNAME of SER#PARM and point to the proper data set.

SER6005E Member {member} not found in SER#PARM data set

Explanation: Probable user error.

Solution: Correct the spelling of member and resubmit. Is the SER#PARM DDNAME pointing to the correct data set?

SER6006E Local connect request not from within a SerNet started task

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6007E SerNet started task "{subsys}" is not active Error={code}

Explanation: The SerNet started task is not available.

Solution: Is this really the started task you are trying to access? Has the task been terminated?

SER6008E No sockets are available. Connection terminated.

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Try again later. If the problem persists contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6009E The connection request failed.

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6010I Func={function} complete RC={code} Reason={reason}

Explanation: Information.

SER6011I Request={request}

Explanation: Information.

SER6012E Client abended: {code}

Explanation: The client has ended abnormally.

Solution: Look up code in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA38-0665-xx, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6013E Data length exceeds 32500 maximum

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Reduce the length of the client request to 32,500 or less.

SER6014E Record contains invalid length prefix

Explanation: Internal error, prefix is corrupted.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6015E End of data

Explanation: Information, end of data has been reached.

SER6016E Invalid function

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6017E Must do PRIM/BUMP first

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6019E Cannot send STOP must DISCONCT

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6020E SerNet restarted since last call

Explanation: Information, Sernet has been restarted since the last call from the client.

Solution: Proceed with caution.

SER6021E SerNet has been stopped

Explanation: Information.

SER6022E {user} connected

Explanation: Information.

SER6023E {user} disconnected

Explanation: Information.

SER6024E I/O error reading SER#PARM data set

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the Sernet started task’s JES2 datasets for related messages.

SER6025E SER#PARM data set could not be opened

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Is a SER#PARM DDNAME coded? Does the SER#PARM data set exist? Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the Sernet started task’s JES2 datasets for related messages.

SER6026E Server entry not found in {member} member of SER\#PARM

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Is the SER#PARM DDNAME pointing to the correct data set?

SER6027E Invalid parameters passed to IEEMB878

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6031E TCP/IP: Task={task} Type={type} RC={code} ErrNo={error-number}

Explanation: Information related to a prior message.

Solution: Look up value for ERROR-NUMBER in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6032I TCP/IP: Task={task} Type={type} RC={code} ErrNo={error-number}

Explanation: Information related to a prior message.

Solution: Look up value for ERROR-NUMBER in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6033E {function} There are no TCP/IP procedures active

Explanation: TCP/IP is not active.

Solution: Determine why TCP/IP is not active, examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the JES2 datasets for the Sernet started task. Was TCP/IP successfully activated at Sernet startup?

SER6034E Unable to generate a passticket (Name='{name}' RC='{return code}').

Explanation: A token services retrieve (IEANTRT) error for ’name’ specified may indicate the SERSET utility has not been executed.

Solution: Execute the SERSET utility in batch or bring up a SerNet started task which will execute the utility.


Return codes for IEANTRT are most easily located in SYS1.MACLIB(IEANTASM) starting with equate IEANT_OK. If the return code is not 04 (IEANT_NOT_FOUND), contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6035E Passticket generation failed, RCVTPTGN RC=xxxxxxxx RS=yyyyyyyy.

Explanation: The passticket generation routine, RCVTPTGN, failed with the return and reason codes specified.

Solution: Ensure the SERSET utility has run. If necessary, contact your security administrator or Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6036E Failure in fetching data.

Explanation: Internal use only.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


Batch interface for XML requests. This module is responsible for a client call from the MVS batch environment in XML format.

SER6100E {ddname} open failed

Explanation: OPEN for DDNAME XMLIN failed.

Solution: Look for related IEC* messages in SYSLOG, Sernet started task JES2 and SERPRINT datasets, BATCH JOB JES2 datasets.

SER6101E "{tagname}" tag missing "name="

Explanation: TAGNAME is missing.

Solution: Examine the XML statement, correct or include the missing TAGNAME.

SER6102E "{tagname}" tag value must be {integer} characters long

Explanation: Invalid length (INTEGER) specified for TAGNAME.

Solution: Correct and resubmit

SER6103E Required "{tag}" tag is missing

Explanation: Missing TAG.

Solution: Correct and resubmit.

SER6104E XML request exceeds maximum length

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Try reducing the scope of your XML request, for example instead of specifying a wildcard character (*) specify a partial value, or better yet the full value of the tag to reduce the amount of returned data.

SER6105E Connection failed

Explanation: Internal error. May occur if Sernet/ZMF started task is down, TCP/IP is not available, or XML services job needs cross-memory services that are not available.

Solution: Validate that started task is up and connectivity is available and resubmit. If the problem persists contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6106E A valid XML document is required - probably missing /service tag

Explanation: On inspecting an XML request it was determined that a <service> specification was missing.

Solution: Correct the input XML and resubmit the request.

SER6107E Problem encounter with internal service call.

Explanation: On inspecting an XML request a valid <subsys> tag could not be found.

Solution: Correct the input XML and resubmit the request.

SER6108E"ttttttttt"tag value exceeds 8 characters

Explanation: On inspecting an XML request it was found that the detailed tag value was too long.

Solution: Correct the detailed tag value then resubmit the request.


This module is responsible for a client call from the Cobol environment in XML format.

SER6200E "{tagname}" tag missing "name="

Explanation: TAGNAME is missing.

Solution: Examine the XML statement, correct or include the missing TAGNAME.

SER6201E "{tagname}" tag value must be {integer} characters long

Explanation: Invalid length (integer) specified for TAGNAME.

Solution: Correct and re-submit.

SER6202E Required "{tag}" tag is missing

Explanation: Missing tag.

Solution: Correct and resubmit.

SER6203E Internal buffers are full. Request terminated.

Explanation: Maximum length for an XML reply is 32,500 bytes.

Solution: Try reducing the scope of your XML request, for example instead of specifying a wildcard character (*) specify a partial value, or better yet the full value of the tag to reduce the amount of returned data.

SER6204E The result buffer is full. Output terminated.

Explanation: Information.

Solution: For Cobol XML Services jobs that execute SERXMLCC, adjust the value of RESULT-COUNT to limit the number of returned <result> data structures. The default is 999.


  • Try increasing the size of your result buffer, up to a maximum of 32,500 bytes.
  • Try reducing the scope of your XML request. For example, instead of specifying a wildcard character (*) specify a partial value, or better yet the full value of the tag to reduce the amount of returned data.

SER6205E Connection failed

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Resubmit. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6206E Problem encounter with internal service call.

Explanation: On inspecting an XML request a valid <subsys> tag could not be found.

Solution: Correct the input XML and resubmit the request.


This module is responsible for a client call from an assembler program in XML format. The caller supplies an input buffer containing a valid XML request, it's length, an output buffer for the XML reply, and it's length. SERXMLAC performs the XML request and places a reply in the output buffer supplied. The caller pre allocates the buffers and must make sure they are big enough to contain the data.The caller is then responsible for parsing the returned XML reply in the output buffer.

SER6300E "{tagname}" tag missing "name="

Explanation: TAGNAME is missing.

Solution: Examine the XML statement, correct or include the missing TAGNAME.

SER6301E "{tagname}" tag value must be {integer} characters long

Explanation: Invalid length (INTEGER) specified for TAGNAME.

Solution: Correct and re-submit.

SER6302E Required "{tag}" tag is missing

Explanation: tag is missing.

Solution: Correct and resubmit.

SER6303E The result buffer is full. Output terminated.

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Try increasing the size of your result buffer, up to a maximum of 32,500 bytes. Try reducing the scope of your XML request, for example instead of specifying a wildcard character (*) specify a partial value, or better yet the full value of the tag to reduce the amount of returned data.

SER6304E Problem encounter with internal service call.

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Resubmit. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


XML Data Space Management Module

SER6400E SERXMLDB XML data space invalid

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Verify the XMLSPACE DDNAME points to the correct dataset. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6401E SERXMLDB XML data space create failed: RC={code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Verify the XMLSPACE DDNAME points to the correct dataset. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6402E SERXMLDB XML data space access failed: RC={code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Verify the XMLSPACE DDNAME points to the correct dataset. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6403E SERXMLDB XML data space map failed: RC={code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Verify the XMLSPACE DDNAME points to the correct dataset. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6404E SERXMLDB XML data space save failed: RC={code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Verify the XMLSPACE DDNAME points to the correct dataset. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6414I SERXMLDB Header: {header} For example

Explanation: SER6414I SERXMLDB Header: SERNET XML Dsect Cross Reference. Created: 13 Jul 2015 07:11:16. Version: 811

Solution: Information.

SER6415I SERXMLDB Version:vvvv``

Explanation: The input XMLSPACE dataset is at release level vvvv.

Solution: Information only.


This module is responsible for a client call from the Rexx environment of TSO or BATCH.

SER6500E Subsys parameter invalid

Explanation: Missing subsystem parameter in XML request.

Solution: Examine your XML statements, include a valid subsystem parameter.

SER6501I Using default test option'

Explanation: Information.

SER6502I Using specified test option {option}

Explanation: Information.

SER6503I Product parameter defaulting to SerNet

Explanation: Information.

SER6504E Object parameter invalid

Explanation: Object parameter must be at least one byte and less than or equal to eight bytes in length.

Solution: Correct the XML statement.

SER6505E Message parameter invalid

Explanation: Message parameter must be at least one byte and less than or equal to eight bytes in length.

Solution: Correct the XML statement.


SerNet XML client interface for REXX execs. SERXMLRC sends and receives SerNet XML requests and responses for REXX execs. It is invoked by REXX statements like: 'address LINKMVS "SERXMLRC root"'.

SER6600E Subsys parameter missing or invalid

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Examine your invocation JCL, include a valid subsys parameter. See the ChangeMan ZMF XML Services User’s Guide for more information.

SER6601I Using default TEST option

Explanation: Information, default test option of no test is in effect.

SER6602I Using defined TEST option {option}

Explanation: Information, using a TEST option of OPTION.

SER6603I Using specified IncludeInRequest: {request}

Explanation: Information.

SER6604I Using specified IncludeInResult: {result}

Explanation: Information.

SER6605E Service parameter missing or invalid

Explanation: Service parameter must be present, and must be at least one byte and less than or equal to eight bytes in length.

Solution: Correct the XML request and resubmit.

SER6606E Message parameter missing or invalid

Explanation: Message parameter must be present, and must be at least one byte and less than or equal to eight bytes in length.

Solution: Correct the XML request and resubmit.

SER6607E Userid parameter missing or invalid

Explanation: Userid parameter must be present, and must be at least one byte and less than or equal to eight bytes in length.

Solution: Correct the XML request and resubmit.

SER6608E Unable to make the dataspace XML cache persistent

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6609E Error accessing variable: {variable}

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Examine your REXX for the named VARIABLE, correct and resubmit.

SER6610E Unable to create Dataspace XML cache

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6611I XML cache is: {eyeball-characters}

Explanation: Information.

SER6612E More than 12 includeInResult.n variables

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Reduce the number of variables to 12 or less.

SER6613I Too much REXX data to generate XML

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Try reducing the amount of REXX data.

SER6614W DIV clleanup failed

Explanation: Warning.

SER6615E Local MAPDATA not valid for service

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6616E Local service module not available

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER6617E Open failed on local master file {name}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Make sure of the existence of the data set pointed to by NAME.

SER6618E Service not available from local files

Explanation: Probable configuration error.

Solution: Contact your local Sernet administrator.

SER6619I {MINOR-FUNCTION}) Package service completed.

Explanation: Information.

SER6620E Both CMNPMAST and CMNCMPNT missing.

Explanation: The DDnames CMNPMAST and CMNCMPNT for SERNET are missing.

Solution: Resolve and resubmit.

SER6621E Unable to open CMNCMPNT - abending.

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNCMPNT was unsuccessful causing it to abend.

SER6622E Unable to open CMNPMAST - abending.

Explanation: Unable to open CMNPMAST for ’server’ causing it to abend.

Solution: Correct and resubmit.


Explanation: If the XML interface SERXMLRC has JCL that specifies a backup version rather than the CMNPMAST VSAM file, then the contents of the file header appear with this message prefix. For example:

SER6623I DATE AND TIME OF THIS BACKUP: 20150612.13121764

SER6624I SERNET Closed - {number} records written.

Explanation: Progress information.

SER6625W Cannot have RECFM=U.

Explanation: Warning; Correct the data set format.

SER6626I SERNET processing - {number} records read - key {key}.

Explanation: Progress information.

SER6627I SERNET processing - Record bypassed - key {key}.

Explanation: Progress information.

SER6628E Unable to open CMNELDSP - abending.

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNELDSP was unsuccessful.

Solution: Ensure that the file at CMNELDSP is a VSAM file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide

SER6629E //MAPDATA DD statement missing.

Explanation: The SERPMLOD job JCL includes no input MAPDATA DD statement.

Solution: Code a MAPDATA DD statement in the job JCL. See the description of SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide

SER6630E Unable to open CMNCMPNL - abending.

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNPMPNL was unsuccessful.

Solution: Ensure that the file at CMNCMPNL is a VSAM file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide

SER6631E Variable wrongly specified: lproduct

Explanation: On inspecting an XML request a valid <lproduct> specification was missing.

Solution: Correct the input XML and resubmit the request.

SER6632E Problem encounter with internal service call

Explanation: On inspecting an XML request a valid <subsys> tag could not be found.

Solution: Correct the input XML and resubmit the request.


Batch program SERPMLOD extracts data from ChangeMan ZMF package and component master files and writes the data to sequential files as XML message replies.

SER6700W Unable to open XMLOUT - {ddname}

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for the specified output DDname was unsuccessful.

Solution: Determine the cause of the open failure and resubmit the job. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6701E no extract files present

Explanation: The SERPMLOD job JCL includes no output CMN$ssss DD statements.

Solution: Code one or more CMN$ssss DD statements in the job JCL. For a list of valid CMN$ssss DDnames, see the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6702I {mapdata header}

Explanation: Displays the header information read from the MAPDATA file input to SERPMLOD. For example:

SERNET XML Dsect Cross Reference. Created: 6 Feb 2012 11:33:20

Solution: Information only message. However, the MAPDATA file must be synchronized with the vrm of the SERCOMC LOAD library that contains SERPMLOD.

SER6703E //MAPDATA DD statement missing

Explanation: The SERPMLOD job JCL includes no input MAPDATA DD statement.

Solution: Code a MAPDATA DD statement in the job JCL. See the description of SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6704E both CMNPMAST or CMNCMPNT missing

Explanation: The SERPMLOD job JCL includes no input CMNPMAST or CMNELDSP DD statements.

Solution: Code a CMNPMAST DD statement and/or a CMNELDSP DD statement in the job JCL. See the description of SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6705E Unable to open CMNCMPNT - abending

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNCMPNT was unsuccessful.

Solution: Ensure that the package master at DDname CMNPMAST is a VSAM KSDS file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6706E Unable to open CMNPMAST - abending

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNPMAST was unsuccessful.

Solution: Ensure that the package master at DDname CMNPMAST is a VSAM file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6708I {ddname} Closed - {count} records written

Explanation: Shows the number of records that were written to the displayed output DD statement.

Solution: Progress information message.

SER6709W Cannot have RECFM=U - {ddname}

Explanation: The output file at the displayed DDname has RECFM=U, which is invalid.

Solution: For valid output file attributes, see the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6710I {ddname} processing - {count} records read - key {lastkey}

Explanation: Shows the number of records and the last VSAM key that were read at the displayed input DD statement.

Solution: Information only message.

SER6711I {ddname} processing - {count} records bypassed - key {key}.

Explanation: Shows the number of records bypassed at the displayed input DD statement.

Solution: Progress information message.

SER6712E Unable to open CMNELDSP - abending

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNELDSP was unsuccessful.

Solution: Ensure that the package master at DDname CMNELDSP is a VSAM LDS file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6712I SERNET processing - {number} eligible physical records detected.

SER6713I SERNET processing - {number} logical records output.

SER6714I SERNET processing - {number} XML records read.

SER6715E Unable to open CMNPMAST.

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNPMAST was unsuccessful.

Solution: Ensure that the package master at DDname CMNPMAST is a VSAM file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER6716I ’number’ component master records have been processed in this run.

Explanation: Information, displays the number of component master records processed.

SER6717E Unable to open CMNPMXML.

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNPMXML was unsuccessful.

Solution: Ensure that the file at DDname CMNPMXML is a VSAM file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide

SER6718E Unable to open CMNPMSRT.

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNPMSRT was unsuccessful

Solution: Ensure that the file at DDname CMNPMSRT is a VSAM file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide

SER6719E Unable to open CMNPMIDR.

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNPMIDR was unsuccessful

Solution: Ensure that the file at DDname CMNPMIDR is a VSAM file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide

SER6722E Unable to open CMNPMSEQ.

Explanation: The file open issued by SERPMLOD for DDname CMNPMSEQ was

Solution: Ensure that the file at DDname CMNPMSEQ is a VSAM file. See the description of program SERPMLOD in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide

SER6723E Both CMNCMPNT and CMNCMPNL must be allocated for component data extraction.

Explanation: Ensure both VSAM files, CMNCMPNT and CMNCMPNL are allocated for this request.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care

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