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Unfreezing and Refreezing Components

After a package is frozen, you may be able to selectively unfreeze package components to make changes, then selectively refreeze the components. If you need to add a new component to a package, you must revert the entire package (see Reverting a Package).

Running Unfreeze Components

Right-click a frozen package, a library in a frozen package, or selected components in a frozen package library. Choose ZDD Network | Unfreeze Components from the popup menu.

The Unfreeze Components dialog box displays.

Select or deselect components in either of the following ways:

  • Select or deselect components individually using the check boxes in the Component list.

  • Use the "Selection filter" field to enter a name pattern with wild characters. Then press the Select or Clear button; the check boxes for all component names that match the filter are checked or unchecked.

You may enter multiple pattern names, one at a time, and press Select or Clear for each entry.

Click OK to unfreeze the selected components.

Running Refreeze Components

Right-click a frozen package, a library in a frozen package, or selected components in a frozen package library. Choose ZDD Network | Refreeze Components from the popup menu.

The Refreeze Components dialog box displays.

Select or deselect components in either of the following ways:

  • Select or deselect components individually using the check boxes in the Component list.

  • Use the "Selection filter" field to enter a name pattern with wild characters. Then press the Select or Clear button; the check boxes for all component names that match the filter are checked or unchecked.

    You may enter multiple pattern names, one at a time, and press Select or Clear for each entry.

    Click OK to refreeze the selected components.

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