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Before you use the ChangeMan ZMF functions, it is presumed that you:

Using ChangeMan ZDD, you can access ChangeMan ZMF information and perform some common ChangeMan ZMF functions. It is virtually the same as using ChangeMan ZMF in the ISPF client; all z/OS server security and ChangeMan ZMF rules apply. When you first click a network share folder for a ChangeMan ZMF instance, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password. All of the rules set up under ChangeMan ZMF global and application administration apply to functions you perform using ChangeMan ZDD (except as noted for the specific functions).

From your desktop, you can:

  • Create a new package

  • Update package information

  • Check out components from the baseline or promotion libraries

  • Lock and unlock components in a package

  • Browse components in the baseline, staging, and promotion libraries

  • Edit components in a package

  • Delete components in a package

  • Check In components using drag-and-drop (this is the Stage from Development function)

  • Build, recompile, and relink components

  • Use staging versions

  • Audit a package

  • Freeze a package

  • Unfreeze and refreeze a package

  • Unfreeze and refreeze components i

  • Revert a package

  • Promote and demote a package

  • Approve or reject a package

  • Resubmit an install JCL build request

  • Back out a package

  • Display or change packages in limbo

  • Display or change the package installation schedule

  • Memo-delete a package and restore a memo-deleted package

  • Compare files (compare two components)

  • Merge files (merge two revised versions with a baseline version)

  • Submit XML requests to XML Services

  • Query library, package, and component information

    All of these functions are the same as those you perform from the ISPF client, and all are available if you are using ChangeMan ZMF 5.3.6 or higher.

Expired Packages

In the File Explorer, the names of packages, package libraries, and package components display as blue text when past the install date. Many menu commands are not available after the install date has passed.

Participating Packages

Participating packages are displayed as subfolders of the parent super/complex package. You can also access participating packages as direct children of the “Packages” folder.

You can perform the same operations on the participating package in either location. When the participating package appears as a child of a super/complex package, it is just an alias for the same package as a child of the “Packages” folder:

Packages\SUPR000001\PART000002  Packages\PART000002 (alias)

ChangeMan ZMF Messages

ChangeMan ZMF messages that you receive while using ChangeMan ZDD are the same as those you would receive in the ISPF client. These error, warning, and informational messages display on your desktop in message boxes.

Refer to the ChangeMan ZMF Messages Guide for more information on these messages.

Viewing Output for ChangeMan ZMF Jobs

Jobs submitted by ChangeMan ZMF run under the authority of the ChangeMan ZMF instance, and therefore have an owner ID equal to the instance name. For example, a Build job submitted by the ChangeMan ZMF instance, USERAPP, has an owner ID of USERAPP.

To see this type of job in your ChangeMan ZDD folder:

  1. Set up a job filter with a Job Type of “All jobs - Job name”.

  2. In the Job Name text box, enter the job name you used on the Job statement. You can also specify a pattern name using wild characters.

    For more information on Job Folders and Filters, see Creating a Job Folder. You can also check the hold queue in JES to see the details of the job execution.

Functional Differences Between ChangeMan ZMF and ChangeMan ZDD

The following table describes some differences in behavior between the ISPF interface and the ChangeMan ZDD interface to ChangeMan ZMF.

Function/ Parm ChangeMan ZMF Behavior ChangeMan ZDD Behavior
Browse Listings You cannot browse listings within a package; you must go into the Browse function. You can view listings within a package by opening up the LST folder.
Cancel Command When you enter the Cancel command during a transaction, the cancel takes effect immediately. The Cancel button cancels the transaction to the extent that is possible. Once the Cancel request has been sent to the mainframe, there is no facility in SerNet nor in ChangeMan ZMF to cancel an operation. ZosNet checks the cancel flag each time it resumes processing and terminates the operation at that time. ChangeMan ZDD can only cancel processing that is under its control.
Check In (stage from development) of sequential data sets You can stage sequential data sets into a package even if the suffix does not match the library type. You can check in sequential data sets to a package only if the suffix matches the library type.
Compile/Build After editing a source component, the CMNSTG04 panel displays where you can compile the source. After editing a source component, you must: Save the changes and exit the edit session. Access the ZDD Network popup menu and submit a Build to compile the source.
Component Delete You must enter an individual line command next to each component to be deleted. You can delete several components at one time by using the Shift or CTRL keys.
Creating a Package Cannot go backward and forward through the ISPF Create Package panels. Facility to use another package as a model (“Package to Copy Forward” field). Can go backward and forward through the New Package wizard pages. No facility to use another package as a model.
Function/ Parm ChangeMan ZMF Behavior ChangeMan ZDD Behavior
Designated Compile Procedure Designated Compile Procs are enforced by displaying panel CMNSTG04 in read mode, so you cannot override the compile and link option parms that have been defined. This is for Force Level = 2. Designated Compile Procs are not supported at this time. The Build dialog displays in edit mode (instead of read mode as on the mainframe). The Compile Parms, Link Parms, and User Options fields can be overridden. But if a component has been defined to use a designated compile procedure, what you type in the Build Procedure field will be overridden by the designated compile procedure.
Editing Components A component does not have to be in Lock status while you are editing it. ChangeMan ZMF prevents other users from accessing a component you are editing. Unless you lock a component, it can be updated by another user while you are editing it. See Locking and Unlocking Components.
Package Components Package components are displayed as one member list. Package components can be displayed in two ways: as one member list in the bang (!) folder. per library type folder.
Package Filters Not applicable. Additional filter criteria has been added to select which packages display.
Relink Function LCT cards can be processed through the relink function. LCT cards cannot be processed. Relink is only for load to load components.
Save to Personal & Staging Lib Admin. Parm If this parm is set to Y, ChangeMan ZMF will save to both the staging and personal libraries. If this parm is set to Y, ChangeMan ZDD will not save changes in the personal library.
Staging Versions You are always prompted to enter a Change Description after you exit from editing a component. You will not be prompted to enter a Change Description after you exit from editing a component. The Change Description field will be blank when Staging Versions is viewed through ChangeMan ZDD and ChangeMan ZMF in the ISPF client.

Unix Components

Baseline library folders, package library folders, and promotion library folders can represent either partitioned data set (PDS) libraries or Unix directories. When the folder represents a Unix directory, it is displayed as a blue/green folder in File Explorer.

Unlike PDS library folders, the Unix library folders are hierarchical and can contain subdirectories. Unix component names can include subdirectory names, separated by the Unix path separator character, which is a forward slash ("/").

Example: payroll/source/

With PDS components, the library type is appended to the component name and uses a file extension. Typically, Unix components already contain a file extension; therefore, ChangeMan ZDD does not append the library type onto Unix component names. Because of this, some dialog boxes contain a field to display the library type.

Viewing Library Type Descriptions

You can view the description for a ChangeMan ZMF library type in either of the following ways:

  • Hold the mouse pointer over the library folder in the right pane of Explorer. In the following example, “Source code main” is displayed for the SRC folder.


  • When the right pane of Explorer is in the Details view (View | Details), and library folders are displayed in the right pane:

    • Choose View | Choose Columns

    • Select Description from the Column Settings dialog box.

  • The Description column displays.

Viewing Package Status and Title

Hold the mouse pointer over the package folder in the right pane of Explorer to display the status and title of the package.

Shown and Hidden Library Types

Your administrator determines which library types are shown or hidden for an application in the ChangeMan ZDD user interface. This is done through the LIBTYPE member in the ZDDOPTS library, described in Serena® ChangeMan® ZDD Server Installation Guide.

Enabled/Disabled ChangeMan ZMF Commands

Your administrator determines which ChangeMan ZMF commands are enabled or disabled on the popup menus. This is done through the COMMAND member in the ZDDOPTS library, described in Serena® ChangeMan® ZDD Server Installation Guide.

Files and Folders not Displayed

The following files and folders for ChangeMan ZMF instances do not appear in Explorer:

  • Files in package library folders do not appear when they are in INACTIVE status. This happens when the package was created by copying forward from another package; the component names are copied forward but the components do not actually exist in the new package.

  • Library folders under a package do not appear if the staging libraries have not been allocated (this occurs when deferred allocation is in effect for the application).

Going Directly to a Package

To bypass the Explorer directory tree and go directly to a package or group of packages, use the Windows Search facility: Start  Search  For Files or Folders.

MFS Components

MFS components with non-standard member names will display in the Explorer; however, the functions (such as browse, edit, promote) will not work.

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