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Example of a Unix Folder Created by a user

In the following example, a user created the folder “!MyStuff” and specified “/u/Payroll" as the root directory on the server. In the File Explorer, beneath the “!MyStuff” folder, you can see the Unix directory sub-tree rooted at “/u/Payroll”.

In the example above, assume that the user has a Unix file called “” in the “source” directory. On the mainframe server, the path name for this file would be: /u/Payroll/source/

In ChangeMan ZDD, the path name would be: \\Server1\Unix\!MyStuff\source\

You can also reference Unix files and directories using the Unix full path name instead of going through a user-defined folder (however, Unix files will not be displayed in the File Explorer unless they reside under a user-defined folder). Using the example above, the file “” could be accessed from the command line using either of the following path names:


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