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Installing ChangeMan ZDD

Installer Contents

The ChangeMan ZDD installer is packaged as a single executable file: ChangeManZDD_x64.exe *(64-bit)

This executable file is a bundle containing the ZDD installer along with all of its prerequisites:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8: Will be downloaded from internet, if needed.

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable: Embedded in bundle.

  • ChangeMan ZDD: Embedded in bundle.

Any missing Microsoft prerequisites are installed first before the ZDD installer is launched. The .NET Framework will be downloaded from the internet, if needed. All other prerequisites are fully embedded in the bundle. The .NET Framework was not embedded because it can be large, and typically does not change very often between releases.

If you are installing on a computer without internet access, and you do not have the required version of the .NET Framework installed, you can download it yourself ahead of time from another computer. One option is to run the installer with the /layout command line argument on a computer with an internet connection. The /layout argument extracts the entire bundle, including the downloaded packages, and places them into a local directory.

Before running the setup, it is better to copy the setup file to a directory on your local computer, rather than running the setup directly from a network drive. The setup may run very slowly when you run it directly from a network drive.

Running the Installer

You can install ChangeMan ZDD by simply double clicking on the installer and responding to the standard prompts. You can optionally use command line arguments to do a silent install, log messages to a specific file, and perform other functions. (See Command Line Arguments.)

The installer displays a single dialog box for installing the entire chain of products, rather than separate install wizards, one for each product in the bundle. The installer also suppresses intermediate reboots, so that only one reboot is required at the end.

ChangeMan ZDD will not work correctly until the reboot is complete.

Command Line Arguments

You can run the ChangeMan ZDD installer with the optional command line arguments below. You may include only one argument from each group.

Argument Description
/help or /? Displays help for command line arguments.
/install Installs the software (default).
/repair Repairs the software.
/uninstall Uninstalls the software.
/layout [dir-name] Creates a complete copy of the software bundle in a local directory.
User Interface
/passive Displays a minimal installation prompts.
/quiet Displays no prompts, that is, performs a silent install.
/log file-name Logs to a specific file. By default a log file is created in %TEMP%.
/norestart Suppresses any attempts to restart (not recommended). By default the user interface prompts before restart.
/forcerestart Automatically restarts the computer without prompting.
Product Configuration
/peruser Installs ChangeMan ZDD as a per-user installation, where some users are allowed to use ZDD, while others are not. See Installing as a Per-User Product for more information.
Windows Code Page
/codepage nnnn The ASCII character set used on your local computer. The default corresponds to the locale in the Windows region and language settings.
Cache Folder
/cachefolder dirname Folder used to hold temporary copies of recently accessed files from the server.
System Settings Folder
/importfolder dirname The system settings folder allows you to share system settings, server configuration, and security controls, between machines. ZDD imports the system settings from this folder each time the system is booted. This folder is optional. If no folder is specified, ZDD will not import any settings.


Install Directories

ChangeMan ZDD will be installed into the following directory:

%ProgramFiles%\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD

where %ProgramFiles% is the name of the program files directory, for example: C:\Program Files

The ChangeMan ZDD file system driver will be installed into the Windows system directory for drivers:


where %SystemRoot% is the name of the system root directory, for example: C:\Windows

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