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The ZosReleaseApprover object contains information describing a release approver. This object can be obtained using the Approvers property of ZosRelease or the Approvers property of ZosReleaseArea.

ZosReleaseApprover Properties

ZosReleaseApprover exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
Entity String R Security system entity name.
Approver String R Approver user ID.
Description String R Description of approver level or function.
ApprovalOrder Int16 R Approver level or sequence for hierarchical approvals.
ApprovalAction ZosPackageApproval Action R Most recent approval action.
ApprovedTime DateTime R Date and time approval action taken.
RejectReasons String R Reasons for rejection. The reasons are a single string, but can contain multiple lines, delimited by newline characters.
IsAreaCheckInApprover Boolean R Indicates whether check in approver.
IsAreaCheckOffApprover Boolean R Indicates whether check off approver.
IsApproverNotified Boolean R Indicates whether approver has been notified.


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