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What's New

This section summarizes the what’s new in each release of ChangeMan ZDD.

Changes in 8.1.2

Changes in 8.1.1

Changes in 8.1

Changes in

Changes in 7.1.2

Changes in 7.1.1

Changes in 7.1

Changes in 8.1.2

Corrected problem in which data was formatted incorrectly when copying and pasting text from an outside source.

Changes in 8.1.1

There are no changes to the functionality described in this manual in ChangeMan ZDD release 8.1.1.

Changes in 8.1

Unicode Support for ZDD Edit and ZDD Compare/ Merge

The ChangeMan ZDD text editor and the compare/merge tool now support Unicode (UTF-16), UTF-8, and DBCS files, and thus, they can now be used with Asian languages. The Save As dialog box has a new Encoding drop down list that allows you to override the default encoding when saving a file.

The ZDD text editor has a new navigation pane on the left side. The navigation pane allows you to easily navigate folders and choose files to edit. The navigation bar also allows you to delete files, rename files or folders, and to create folders.

Changes in

Submitting XML From ChangeMan Edit

You can now submit XML from inside the ChangeMan ZDD text editor. The File menu includes a new Submit XML command. The Submit XML command is disabled (grayed out) unless the first line of the file begins with “\<?xml”. You will be prompted to select the z/OS server and ChangeMan ZMF instance.

The results of the XML request are then displayed inside the text editor.

Changes in 7.1.2

Text Editor Enhancements

Many new keyboard and mouse shortcuts have been added for performing common editing operations and making the editor easier to use. Many keyboard functions can be configured by the user.

New configuration option to allow the cursor to move beyond the end of line.

New reference card for the keyboard and mouse shortcuts.

Changes in 7.1.1

Submitting JCL From ChangeMan Edit

You can now submit JCL from inside the ChangeMan ZDD text editor. The File menu includes a “Submit JCL” command. The “Submit JCL” command is disabled (grayed out) unless the first line of the file begins with “//”. You will be prompted to select the z/OS server.

Changes in 7.1

Enhanced ChangeMan Tools

The ChangeMan Edit and ChangeMan Compare tools, which are included with ChangeMan ZDD, have been enhanced to support path names that exceed 259 characters in length (if you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7).

The ChangeMan Edit tool has been enhanced to allow a value to be inserted in specified columns whenever you update or add a line in the file you are editing. For example, you may specify a change request number to be automatically inserted in columns 73-80 whenever you update or add a line. This feature is available on the Advanced tab of the Template Manager.

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